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Can I seperate Music between Speakers with one sequence?


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For Halloween I have a four speaker set-up. I would like certain props to use two speakers - then - have other props use two others.

I think that the answer is: Run two sequences simultaneously - but even with that I am not sure I know how to do that.

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Did you want to use the same music piece for both locations, just have different actions (lights) going on or have two different music pieces going?

If you use standard speaker channel seperation.. one prop part audio on one channel (two props) and the other prop audio on the second channel you can have two different things going on. How?

Using a free audio program like Goldwave, or Audacity, something that lets you record to a single channel, you need to either make up a cord that will feed into a single channel (not stereo) or using a stereo cord, just feed audio into one side for one set of props and feed a different audio into the second channel...

A stereo plug has 3 contacts.. the tip (L channel), sleeve (R channel) and the long sleeve (ground), all you have to do is feed your prop set #1 into the left channel using just the tip and long sleeve, have it record using one of the above mentioned (free) programs, then record the second prop set audio using the short ring (R channel) and ground sleeve. If you can do it at the same time it'll save you a couple steps, if not, it'll just take a lil longer.

Once you have both channels recorded with seperate tracks (left channel and right channel) you can use it in the LOR Sequencer. Playing will give you the two different outputs you want. Sounds difficult, but it isnt. Think of it as two people talking to you at the same time, one in your left ear, one in your right.

Other way to do it might be using two tracks.. basically two different things going on but one piece of music.. is that the simultainious idea you had?

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if the audio part is already taken care of you can run two sequences at the same time in one simple motion. The issue is that they both have to be sequenced to the same audio file.

I did this for my halloween show so that the bulk of my show runs in sync with the right left channel and my pumpkin choir runs in the left.

You can create your sequences seperately and the create a new parent sequence that will invoke everything according using sub sequences.

In the parent sequence when you set a channel to one of the rows, instead of chosing a controller select "Sequence" and the set the sequence at the bottom of the dialog box. You can do this for each sub sequence, and then call any of them up on demand when your audio reaches the right point to use the sub. I know this sounds confusing, but once you start messing with it, it really isn't. The hardest part is getting your audio setup for the proper left/right music

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if the audio part is already taken care of you can run two sequences at the same time in one simple motion. The issue is that they both have to be sequenced to the same audio file.

I did this for my halloween show so that the bulk of my show runs in sync with the right left channel and my pumpkin choir runs in the left.

You can create your sequences seperately and the create a new parent sequence that will invoke everything according using sub sequences.

In the parent sequence when you set a channel to one of the rows, instead of chosing a controller select "Sequence" and the set the sequence at the bottom of the dialog box. You can do this for each sub sequence, and then call any of them up on demand when your audio reaches the right point to use the sub. I know this sounds confusing, but once you start messing with it, it really isn't. The hardest part is getting your audio setup for the proper left/right music

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Thanks Kyle. I don't even have my hardware set-up and I am worrying about this! My USB adapter arrives next week - but - I wanted to get ahead of the game!

Based on TJ's comments I started playing with Audacity and have had some good success! I had played with both Audacity and Free Audio Editor for 2 weeks and never understood the whole Right/Left concept! How silly I am.

But, that means re-building my music sequences to get Thunder in the background and singers up-front. What I found was that the lightening sounds cool in the background, but, at some points when you put it on both speakers it is an attention getter - very awesome!

I wish I would have sat down and decided what I wanted first - then design later. But, as other Newbies will probably attest you have to get your hands duty first. Oh well - I still have 60 days! And, this is how I learn is getting my hand dirty and making mistakes.

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