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One or two channel controller


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I have a problem. I have a truck that I intend to light up a bit. I sure don't need 8 or 16 channels, just a couple to work the lights while driving to work and back. Anyone get an old busted controller that has only a couple channels working? The truck does get plugged into the main display when I get home. Using just LED lights on the truck.

Tom Straub

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You have a problem, alright... you're a sick man Tom...

Lucky for you you're among people who can appreciate your sickness for the genius it is. I want to see a video of that truck when you get it all done up.

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What do you intend to do with those two channels when it's on the road?

Also, are you sure you can use lights on the road in your area? Some states don't allow flashing lights and some don't allow certain colors. Some apparently look the other way during the holidays.

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With the really long 2.6 mile commute to work, I don't think the cops will bother me. :cool: Have had lights on the truck for years now. :D

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  • 2 months later...

Well... Here it is... The last part of my 1St LOR display... The Truck! It's static on the road and get's plugged in each night when I get home to be part of the display.

What do you think?

Attached files 222618=12313-DSC02084.JPG

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Guest Don Gillespie

testraub wrote:

Well... Here it is... The last part of my 1St LOR display... The Truck! It's static on the road and get's plugged in each night when I get home to be part of the display.

What do you think?

thats pretty neat it looks very stylish
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I have some friends that are LAPD cops. I asked them if I put lights on my truck, what could I get in trouble for? they said red lights facing forward, or distracting other drivers. but most cops would not bother you, unless it was really crazy. So go for it!:P

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yep you sure got your wires crossed .... not on the truck but in your head! lmao

here's your sign....

and everyone told me I was losing it with my LED lighted wreath on my truck. I can now say... this aint bad look at this guy here!

We are sick people but who cares!

high 5 to you.

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