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Ok - whats the trick here. I can control the test light (a single deer) with the hardware controller, but i cant get a test show to do anything.!!!!!!!!

whats the "special" sequesnce of events here??

Frustrated Dave

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Dave, I might have a couple obvious questions but maybe something was overlooked.

Do you have your channels assigned to the controller?

Do you have the show enabled?

Have you tried playing a sequence with the control lights checked?

Are you still using the demo version?

Is the harware utility closed?

Just a couple things to check.

Hope something here helps,


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Yep - all that ok. In the hardware util, I config the port and controller number - all is well, i can contol the chnl. When i exit the hardware util and then go back in, only the comm port info is listed, is this normal?? In the schedule editor how close in time can you config the time - a couple of minutes or more?


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NH - Dave wrote:

Yep - all that ok. In the hardware util, I config the port and controller number - all is well, i can contol the chnl. When i exit the hardware util and then go back in, only the comm port info is listed, is this normal?? In the schedule editor how close in time can you config the time - a couple of minutes or more?


Dave, there is no need to back into the hardware util but yes, I believe that's normal.

Yes, You can schedule to time at the exact time you want it to start/finish.

Any luck?

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Don't feel alone on that one. I programed out my 8th song (all 7 work great), and it didn't work. My first course of action was the hardware control, then I remembered that I didn't set the channels up on the program yet. :D All is well now.

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