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Sequences Animation Play But No Grid Shows Up

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Just installed 2.8.8 on Vista laptop. My sequences will play and the animation will work but my sequencing grid is blank, no lines just solid white. The channel buttons will change colors with the music as usual and the time scale is there. Why doesn't my sequencing grid show up?


This is likely related to your graphics card's drivers. People with problems like this have had luck resolving this by updating their drivers.

Other things that have worked for some people include changing your display settings so that it uses 16 bit color instead of 32 bit color, or disabling hardware acceleration, or using a basic Windows theme (such as Windows Classic or Windows Basic) rather than an Aero theme.

Could you please let me know the graphics card that you have, and the version of the driver that you are using for it? Thanks.


Thanks for your response Bob. I can't get the graphics card info till I get home this evening. I will also try your other suggestions. Is this a problem with certain cards and the new version 2.8.8? Version 2.8.6 worked fine.


No, it's a problem in 2.8.6 also. I think you're the first person I've heard of who had it working for 2.8.6, but not for 2.8.8.


Come to think of it I probably did not use my laptop for sequencing after updating to 2.8.6. so you're right. Anyhow, I did a little looking around the Sony Vaio support site and found that my graphics card is probably one of these two possibilities:

-Mobile Intel 945 GM Express Chipset ( version ?? 1/8/07 - - 6.04 mb)

or -Mobile Intel 943 GML

I'll just have to check my laptop tonite to be sure.


Bob, my graphics card is the Intel 945GM Express Chipset - ver. I checked for update and already had the best one. My theme was already "classic" so didn't change that nor the hardware acceleration. So I tried the last step, changing 32 bit to 16 bit. That did the job. My sequence grid is back. Appreciate your help. Thanks!

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