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Mini Tree constuction

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Ok everyone, i'm just about ready. Just need to purchase 5 double pole breakers for the new sub panel and build 22 mini tree's.

Question is how to build the mini tree's. Easel's aren't they? Where to get them. What size. Does it have to be 300 lights on each one?

Would love some pictures if you have them.



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The South Carolina version How to's, About half way through the thread.

At the mini we built all three types, the easel kind, The split tomatoe cage and one we kind of ad hoc based on the split tomatoe cage version, by running extra wires in the open spaces.

The tomatoe cages are available in different sizes and from most garden centers. the easels came from Micheals.

but there is still more versions out there,

Oops forgot the thread heh heh heh


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