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Nutrocker edit


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Would any of you be willing to share a version of Nutrocker (TSO) that has been edited for time? I want to sequence it, but it's a bit long for my taste. I've been trying to edit it myself with audacity, but can't get close to making it smooth.

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Give me a few days I've only shaved off 25 seconds so far and you can't tell, but we obviously want it alot shorter than that. I do like that song and I do want it in my show this year but there are parts of the song I dont like that I want to remove so hopefully you will like it when I am done.

Wish me luck.

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After reading this thread, I worked up an edit of this song that is 2 minutes and 2 seconds long (about half of the original length). I'd be happy to send the mp3 file to those who are interested (and already own Night Castle)...


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Randy wrote:

After reading this thread, I worked up an edit of this song that is 2 minutes and 2 seconds long (about half of the original length). I'd be happy to send the mp3 file to those who are interested (and already own Night Castle)...


Please send it to me at kzaas@comcast.net, so far I have my version down to 3.18 but I am still working on it. I am curious how yours turned out. I'm going to stop mine for now, why reinvent the wheel?:P
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Randy wrote:

I'd be happy to send the mp3 file to those who are interested (and already own Night Castle)...

Thanks Randy. Could you please send that edit to: George at Clearwaterlights dot org.
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Thanks Randy, I got the E-mail, I think you did an awesome editing that song, but some of the part's that I do like is the piano and organ solo's so I think I will keep working on mine and just shorten those solos some how.

Great job though, cause I don't hear any editing cuts. And thanks for sharing your hard work.


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Randy wrote:

After reading this thread, I worked up an edit of this song that is 2 minutes and 2 seconds long (about half of the original length). I'd be happy to send the mp3 file to those who are interested (and already own Night Castle)...


Randy, I would soooooo appreciate a copy of the file. Sending PM now with email addy.

I'm just glad SOMEBODY is able to edit, because I obviously can not.
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Randy wrote:

After reading this thread, I worked up an edit of this song that is 2 minutes and 2 seconds long (about half of the original length). I'd be happy to send the mp3 file to those who are interested (and already own Night Castle)...


After 2 days with no replies, I was beginning to worry a bit, but then Randy nonchalantly "worked up an edit". :) I am so thankful for all the fine folks here that are willing to lend a hand.

Randy, your edit is perfect- exactly what I was trying to do. Thank you so much!!!
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Randy wrote:

After reading this thread, I worked up an edit of this song that is 2 minutes and 2 seconds long (about half of the original length). I'd be happy to send the mp3 file to those who are interested (and already own Night Castle)...


I also would love a copy. Thanks! scubado1@charter.net
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