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Wow, 8 pictures of cardboard and packing peanuts before we even get to see the contents. You sir are obsessive! And I mean that in the nicest way :D.

We're all a bit obsessive about our computer control though, aren't we? :laughing:.


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I don't know much about this stuff yet... but that last photo just looks like a lot of money...

What is the difference between these controllers and buying the Deluxe Controlled Triac Board - 16 Channels (CTB16D) with heat sink and putting them in your own case. Basically paying for just the case and wiring?

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You cheated, you should have bought the kits and put them together yourself. That is a lot more fun if you ask me. Plus it gives the wife something to gripe about while you have the kitchen table cluttered up with all of your LOR stuff till you have the boards built.

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Should have posted when I edited... again for linear sake...

What is the difference between these controllers and buying the Deluxe Controlled Triac Board - 16 Channels (CTB16D) with heat sink and putting them in your own case. Basically paying for just the case and wiring?

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Yes I know I cheated, however considering this is in my house I prefer to spend the extra and have prebuilt boards that I know are put together correctly and are safe. They also are quicker to install, look nice and clean and you are helping to support LOR. These are just a few of the reasons I buy the showtime, everyone has their own preferences.

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hauntedyards wrote:

Should have posted when I edited... again for linear sake...

What is the difference between these controllers and buying the Deluxe Controlled Triac Board - 16 Channels (CTB16D) with heat sink and putting them in your own case. Basically paying for just the case and wiring

Correct. You are paying extra for the case, wiring, and assembly.

The first two parts can be bought at a cheaper price, and the third is a matter of time. As Logan mentioned, everyone will have their own preferences.
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logan_moore wrote:

I know are put together correctly and are safe. , look nice and clean

If I was not secure in my man hood I could have taken this wrong as it would say my controllers are done wrong, are not safe, look awfull and are dirty.

Where is my teddy and blanky when I need it. Don't bother me I will be sitting over here in the corner.
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That is not what I meant by any means, I just meant that many of you work hard and take the extra time to make yours "look nice and clean, and make them safe" I personally dont trust myself when it comes to electrical things in my house with my family and also I think the showtime boxes are much neater than what I would ever be able to do. I have seen many many built kits that look just as good if not better or cooler than the showtime boxes.

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I was just yanking your chain Logan. I am glad you got some boxes. Now maybe you can get 4 more next year. I know how exciting it is when you can get stuff like this.

I wish more people in my area would do this. I beleive I have about 3 neighbors I am going to go wireless with next year and I will run the show from my house.

So tell us the truth, how many lights have you hooked up yet and tried out? I know if it was me they would have been hooked to the computer and been flashing up a storm.

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I know what you mean. I think the main thing is "time". I have way too much stuff going on every day to also have time to build complete controllers. I was the same way with my FM transmitter as well. Home built looks just as great as the show time boxes. It's just the matter of "free time" to each person or their ability to build them.

Just my thoughts,


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Yeah, I agree tom on the Time thing I guess that is another big issue I have but dont really think of it as being one. Also I have yet to try any of the boards, :P I will over the next few days. I just havent had a chance today. See I am not that obsessed, and granted I had it last year, now last halloween was when I recieved my kit, thats right 2 hours before the first trick or treater rang the doorbell I opened my cardboard box and out came my controller. Within 30 mins I had it hooked up and working. I then proceeded to download some scary sound clips, hooked the controller to a lamp in my room, and pointed it to my blinds. I took a radio outside, hooked up my transmitter to the back of my computer. Set the lights to blink and shimmer randomly every 20 seconds or so and copied it to a five minute show. I had about 30 mins before the trick or treaters came, so I took a hoodie, some pillows and my computer chair, and a broom stick. I put the chair in front of the lamp but close to the window, put the pillows inside the hoodie and sweatshirt part, stuck a broom stick in the hoodie and then set it in the chair, made it look like there was a person standing in the window when the lights would flash. Within 2 hours of opening my box I had an amateurish halloween display. Pretty cool I think.

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tfischer wrote:

Wow, 8 pictures of cardboard and packing peanuts before we even get to see the contents. You sir are obsessive! And I mean that in the nicest way :P.

We're all a bit obsessive about our computer control though, aren't we? :laughing:.


This sounds like me the day I expected my DIY kits to arrive. I work from home. Every time I heard a truck drive by I thought, "Is that the delivery truck?". The anticipation was heavy. FINALLY, late in the day he showed up with a big brown box full of goodies and my FM transmitter at the same time to boot!

I soldered practically non-stop from about 6:30pm until 2:00am that day. Good thing it was Friday. I was able to get one Delux 16 LOR built & 1/4 of the FM transmitter put together in that time. I have to admit I was a little nervous about how things were going to go together. I hadn't soldered in quite some time & I had never used my soldering station before. I took my time, double-checking the components I was installing. Everything has worked good so far (with the exception of a hum with the transmitter). Once I had one LOR under my belt the others only took about 2 hours to build. It was so much fun I decided to order 2 more DIY kits :):happytree:
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