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Bug: 2.8.8 Slow to respond (with 100% CPU)

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I'm running the following:

Sequence Editor v2.8.8 Advanced
Windows XP Pro Version 2002 SP3
Dell Dimension DIM9100 (desktop)
Single monitor (DVI)

Sequence is attached.

The problem is that each click on the grid makes the sequence editor take 100% of 1 CPU (shows as 50% in Task Manager), for 2-5 seconds, after which it processes the click. It does this for each click, or key press. I'm using the selection tool.

The problem only happens when I scroll to a different track.

The problem is fixed sometimes by minimizing, then restoring, the sequence editor. At this point, the response is back to normal on all tracks previously shown. However, if I scroll to a track that hasn't been displayed yet, the problem happens again until I minimize.

Minimizing and restoring the sequence child window does not solve the problem. Only minimizing the main sequence editor window fixes it, but not all the time. Track 1 never has this problem.

Attached files bug sequence.las



Something "funny" happening here. We will get right on it.


Edit: On the first machine I tried I had an issue with this sequence... Not exaclty the same as described but it was slower in tracks other than track 1. I tried it on another machine and it worked fine? (just an FYI)

Guest wbottomley

All I get is an occasional spike to 50% but nothing to 100%.


XP Pro SP3
4GB Ram
2.4GB Dual Core
512MB Video Card


Mountainwxman wrote:

All I get is an occasional spike to 50% but nothing to 100%.


XP Pro SP3
4GB Ram
2.4GB Dual Core
512MB Video Card

William... Is that 50% of total which would be 100% of the core the Sequence Editor is running in?

Guest wbottomley

50% on one core.

I'll do a little more playing around.

EDIT: On my machine, it's mainly opening a sequence and playing it.

I'll try it on my netbook. This should be interesting.


Steven, I went crazy in your sequence and never saw a big CPU spike or anything. Went into different tracks. I clicked single intervals, did ON, OFF, Ramps, etc., made chases all over the place in your arches.

This was on Vista Ultimate, 32bit, 4gb of memory, quad core AMD Phenom, onboard video card ;)


  • 1 month later...

Here's an update. It doesn't appear to be the sequence, but this bug happens whenever more than one sequence is open at the same time. Unfortunately, this means I can't copy and paste between sequences. :)

It's not only the CPU usage. When I have two sequences open, the drawing will appear over windows that are on top, and will wrap around to the other side of my monitor. Here's a screen shot:

Attached files 212824=11869-screen shot.PNG


I would suggest playing around with your "hardware acceleration" settings, and perhaps updating your video drivers. You may also want to try out the "Advanced OpenGL Settings" dialog (which you can get to through "Display Preferences") to see if any of the other pixel formats help the situation out any.

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