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Isolate a channel

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Is there anyway to add an event into JUST 1 channel. If the timing is 1 sec for each channel and I wanted to split channel 2 into a half sec eachfor 2 events during the other channels 1 sec, is that possible? Am I even making sense? I've been at this on and off for months trying to get a handle on it. I only just figured out a few days ago that I can tap out music with the keyboard ( I really should read what's in front of me).

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To answer your question, no. I think you are trying to add events and it's destroying your previous work?

If you're running the tapper wizard a second time, you need to pick "Make a particular channel toggle on and off whenever a tap occurs." That way, it won't destroy your previous work. (Be sure to add a new channel to the sequence first so you don't over-write your current work.)

Does this answer your question?

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rossg10 wrote:

Is there anyway to add an event into JUST 1 channel. If the timing is 1 sec for each channel and I wanted to split channel 2 into a half sec eachfor 2 events during the other channels 1 sec, is that possible? Am I even making sense? I've been at this on and off for months trying to get a handle on it. I only just figured out a few days ago that I can tap out music with the keyboard ( I really should read what's in front of me).

Yes, right click on the channel you want to split and select Rezise Event To .5 second. Hope this helps.
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HPHP wrote:

Yes, right click on the channel you want to split and select Rezise Event To .5 second. Hope this helps.

By doing this, you'll resize every channel, not just one. I think Greg was looking to resize one channel without effecting the others. Greg, correct me if I'm wrong.

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Santas Helper wrote:

HPHP wrote:

Yes, right click on the channel you want to split and select Rezise Event To .5 second. Hope this helps.

By doing this, you'll resize every channel, not just one. I think Greg was looking to resize one channel without effecting the others. Greg, correct me if I'm wrong.

Ya that's what I wanted to do. But the other suggestion was helpful to.
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rossg10 wrote:

Santas Helper wrote:
HPHP wrote:

Yes, right click on the channel you want to split and select Rezise Event To .5 second. Hope this helps.

By doing this, you'll resize every channel, not just one. I think Greg was looking to resize one channel without effecting the others. Greg, correct me if I'm wrong.

Ya that's what I wanted to do. But the other suggestion was helpful to.

No you cannot have an event in one channel only. However you can accomplish what you want without doing that.

If you have an event that is one second long and want one chanel to be two half seconds then just split the event into events. To do so click on that cell then under the edit menu select "Insert multiple events" and insert one event.

Now you will have two 0.5 second events where you once had a 1 second event. You can now draw lighting effects onto the grid. For any of the channels where you wanted that evet to be 1 second just drag the effect (fade, twinkle, on, off ... ) for the full second. Those channels will never konw that there really are two timing events they will just have their effect run a full second.

For the one channel you wanted to have the 0.5 second effects you can no put in those effects.

When I create a grid I usually have it set to a 0.1 second spacing.... If I want an effect to be 1 second long I just drag it accross 10 cells... If I want it to be 0.5 seconds long I drag it accross 5 cells....
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LightORama wrote:

When I create a grid I usually have it set to a 0.1 second spacing.... If I want an effect to be 1 second long I just drag it accross 10 cells... If I want it to be 0.5 seconds long I drag it accross 5 cells....

Yeah, but I mean REALLY -- who are you.


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I think the problem or pain that he is expressing is that when you split an event, you do it in all channels. Which will mess up any fade going on in another channel. Or any new fade that you create that goes across multiple events will be screwed up. Or anything else you may try to cut and paste into that section will have to be reedited to make up for the two squares that are at 1/2 of the regular time.

There are many times that I'd like to have some really quick zips of light going through a particular channel, but I know it is going to be extremely painful to deal with it in the rest of the channels, so I avoid doing what I want because of the cost.

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Actully the fades arent a problem. For example... after I split the 1 sec to 2 halves set up the fade down for the first half for 100% to 50% and the second half for 49% to 0%. 2 half second fades but one complete fade.

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For you in may not be. For me, it is.

One example (out of many):

I've got .1 second divisions. I have some red candy cane channels that I need to divide down at the bottom of my screen. But at the same time, at the top of the screen, I have fades going for 4 to 6 blocks. And the fade would be from 0-50% or 0-49%.

So, when I insert events into my candy cane channels to get more resolution out of them, I am forced to insert events into my fades. Which creates blank spaces that have to be repaired.

Unfortunately, it is very time consuming to do the math to figure out how to redraw that particular segment once it is split. Lather, rinse, and repeat for different sections that don't interrupt in the same place (and on a fade of the same duration).

That is, assuming of course, that I remembered that this particular fade was from 0-50%, because I would have made that some time ago. (There isn't any feature, which would be helpful, to say exactly WHAT is under the cursor.)

Now, this is just a big hassle just to do one event. Imagine wanting to do this over the span of 20 events. Incredibly painful to the point of not being worth it.


EDIT: Of course, thinking about it some more, I would almost be as happy if the LOR Sequencer at least repaired the damage and calculated what the old and new blocks should be after a split, and automatically put the data in the blocks. The only downside is that it still screws me over if I go to create new fades on those channels I didn't want split.

Attached files 69207=4191-capture2.gif

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Another example (in the same song I'm working on) where multiple events, required just for one or a few channels, cause a great deal of effort to manually correct for in the other channels:

Attached files 69213=4192-capture3.gif

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You can solve that problem by starting your grid with tighter spacing. Why not have the whole grid be .05 spacing instead of .1? That way, you have all the lines you need for faster areas.

When I use the grid approach, I usually choose .04 spacing. This is because breaking up the .05 spacing into smaller timings will give you a .02 and .03 (if memory serves me correctly.) This is not even, so it won't do for me. Breaking up .04 spacing will give you .02 spacing, which is perfect. That's what I'd do, but that's just me.

Really, the spacing depends on the fastest passage in the song, so .1 can be OK in some cases. The downside is small spacing like .02 or .04 can get very annoying.

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Good advice. I'll follow that with next year's sequences. Although I wonder, with smaller events, if it gets easier or harder to place the beats correctly. I like to get the timings just perfect. I know that others may not put as much weight on that as I do.

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Use the tapper wizard with "snap existing events to" turned on. This will give close to the correct timing using your existing grid. Then, when you see timing you don't like, it's as easy as adding or removing 1 or 2 squares.

I always use the tapper wizard with a grid since it will mark each tap WITHOUT inserting new timing events if you configure it correctly. :]

For "Snap Existing Events Within" be sure to enter the same number as your grid spacing. Also, do NOT choose the "insert a timing event" choice.


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Even with the timing wizard, I want my beats perfect. It usually involves going through the song, bit by bit, at 1/2 or 1/4 speed and tweaking what was done in the tapper (or just doing the whole thing by hand).

I can't wait until a future LOR has the tapper available at variable speed.

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