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You GOTTA See This

George Simmons

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wallleyes wrote:

Not sure if its just my putor...but nothing loads up on the page.

I think its just your putor!

Thats amazing! I bet it would take forever to get a small group to do something similar to that, but a group that size, GEEZ!!

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WOW, I can't believe that is even possible.

I need to round up the neighborhood kids and give that I try. I'll post my video . . . by Saturday. NOT!

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At lot of fun and energy. Interlacing shots of people taking pictures does not mean it isnt computer generated. At the very end there is a shot over someones shoulder which showed not everyone stands or turns at the same time. Unlike the majority where its perfect.

Wasn't there another CG video like this with the sheep having lights on them making shapes? Same technique.

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look at the bottom the players on the field are moving really fast. Looks like they increased the speed of the film.

George when do you ever take a break from sequencing. I bet you even take a laptop on vacation with you to sequence.

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friskybri wrote:

George when do you ever take a break from sequencing. I bet you even take a laptop on vacation with you to sequence.

Actually I did just that this spring. (Who can rest when you're programming over 500 channels plus a couple of CCRs?) Big mistake. Sharon was not pleased. And as it turns out I got less than a couple hours of sequencing done anyway.
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ItsMeBobO wrote:

At lot of fun and energy. Interlacing shots of people taking pictures does not mean it isnt computer generated. At the very end there is a shot over someones shoulder which showed not everyone stands or turns at the same time. Unlike the majority where its perfect.

Wasn't there another CG video like this with the sheep having lights on them making shapes? Same technique.

I have seen similar videos over the years and they aren't GC. The Koreans actually do this at a decent number of events, even high school games. The video above at times is running at 2x speed, which does make it look smoother, but here are some related videos at normal speed and it is very impressive (check out the many sidebar related videos too).


High School

Even a different variation (go to 3:45):

Makes the time we spend sequencing seem minimal! At US sporting events, we have a hard time getting the wave to start!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ralph D wrote:

i think we might have to much time on our hands. lmao

Yeah, yeah, yeah... you won't be saying that in November...:P
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