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Short Light sets


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FYI, Was wrapping my sleeves for my arches yesterday and after doing about 25 or so the next 4 or 5 I did kept coming up short on the sleeve. After re wrapping them about four times I gave up and put them all away. This A.M. I went out to the garage to figure out what was going on and starting looking at the boxes. Same company,same case, same item number, same number of lights. I starting reading the box and one was 22.6 feet long the next box was 20.6 feet. Just a bit of info for you in case you are planning an element that needs the same length for all strings. Have never seen this before, but I will now check ALL my lights before using them! Hope this will prevent anyone from having a similar dilemma.

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I could understand it if that were the case but here is a pic of the two boxes, left one 20.6 feet, right one 22.6 feet

Attached files 207178=11508-Lights.jpg

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Ah, just like the ice cream half-gallon containers that are now 48 ounces, the yogurt that was 8 oz but now is 6 oz (of course, same price though!)

It's bad enough when different vendors have different lengths and light spacing. When the same vendor introduces a new size to save 2 feet of cord (thus costs per string go down) it's very frustrating.

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I agree, but the funny thing is the 20.6 set had 102 lights, the 22.6 had 100 lights. Most "Normal" people would not even notice the difference ,but who on this forum is "Normal'??

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shfr26 wrote:

I agree, but the funny thing is the 20.6 set had 102 lights, the 22.6 had 100 lights. Most "Normal" people would not even notice the difference ,but who on this forum is "Normal'??

And...I'll bet you didn't even get a discount for that extra 2 feet of wire you didn't get in the shorter package...
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jeffandnicole wrote:

Ah, just like the ice cream half-gallon containers that are now 48 ounces, the yogurt that was 8 oz but now is 6 oz (of course, same price though!)

It's bad enough when different vendors have different lengths and light spacing.   When the same vendor introduces a new size to save 2 feet of cord (thus costs per string go down) it's very frustrating.

I remember when a 2X4, was 2"x4" and 3/4" Plywood was 3/4"!
but the funny thing to me is some fast food places that have a medium and a large drink, but no small? how is that possible?
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rstately wrote:

I remember when a 2X4, was 2"x4" and 3/4" Plywood was 3/4"!
but the funny thing to me is some fast food places that have a medium and a large drink, but no small? how is that possible?

Are you really that old???
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shfr26 wrote:

rstately wrote:

I remember when a 2X4, was 2"x4" and 3/4" Plywood was 3/4"!
but the funny thing to me is some fast food places that have a medium and a large drink, but no small? how is that possible?

Are you really that old???

Sorry, you'll have to talk into my good ear.

Not old enough for the 2x4, but I do remember when they started shaving down the sizes of ply. and I've worked on a lot of houses including my own, that have real 2X4's. ;)
Sorry, what were we talking about?
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rstately wrote:

shfr26 wrote:
rstately wrote:

I remember when a 2X4, was 2"x4" and 3/4" Plywood was 3/4"!
but the funny thing to me is some fast food places that have a medium and a large drink, but no small? how is that possible?

Are you really that old???

Sorry, you'll have to talk into my good ear.

Not old enough for the 2x4, but I do remember when they started shaving down the sizes of ply. and I've worked on a lot of houses including my own, that have real 2X4's. :)
Sorry, what were we talking about?

Wasn't that back when the 2x4s were still made of stone?...;)
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Does that explain why my sleeves, tightly wrapped (each loop butted against the previous) is only 11" and not the 14"-16" all you others are making yours? I feel so inadequate.. :D

Ask anyone what a Bakers Dozen is and they'll look at you funny..

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TJ Hvasta wrote:

Does that explain why my sleeves, tightly wrapped (each loop butted against the previous) is only 11" and not the 14"-16" all you others are making yours?   I feel so inadequate..   :)
Ask anyone what a Bakers Dozen is and they'll look at you funny..

If yours are 11", and there's are 14-16".
no ones going to notice the difference.

You know, 7 of one, half dozen the other?:D
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TJ Hvasta wrote:

ya mean size doesn't matter?? =) It really means I can get my 8 or 9 sleeves on a shorter pipe..

It depends on where you're measuring from?:shock:
But, yes I think your better off with your "little pipe".;)
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One of the reasons I love this forum is not only is it good information, and a lot of comaraderie, but threads/posts can take all kinds of sudden turns...from DC supply sizes and cord length, to bovine jokes and sleeve sizes in minutes...

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rstately wrote:

Don't forget about the two pages about pool maintenance,
on the strobe thread.:)

LOL...yup..I didn't jump in on that one..no one wants to hear whining from anyone in FL about the hassle of maintaining a pool year-around. But i will tell you the investment in the salt generator was the best investment I ever made during pool construction...no green crud, and no playing pool chemist on the weekends...:)
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rstately wrote:

jeffandnicole wrote:
Ah, just like the ice cream half-gallon containers that are now 48 ounces, the yogurt that was 8 oz but now is 6 oz (of course, same price though!)

It's bad enough when different vendors have different lengths and light spacing. When the same vendor introduces a new size to save 2 feet of cord (thus costs per string go down) it's very frustrating.

I remember when a 2X4, was 2"x4" and 3/4" Plywood was 3/4"!
but the funny thing to me is some fast food places that have a medium and a large drink, but no small? how is that possible?

Take a drive to Canada, and visit a Tim Hortons there. Their large size drink is the size of a US small!

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