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Id it possible for the Light-O-Rama Show-Player Or Schedual to cut a mid-playing if the time is up? I am planning on alot of small 10min shows with 5min breaks. Everything would be ok except I really cant get the timing to get exactly 10min! Last year the shows were usally 1-3 min late B/C I had a 3 min sequence with all the lights "on" but since the actuall show was only 5 min long then the songs stoped when like the first on played! So what I want to know is how to get that 10min "ON" sequence to be on-time? I am not thinking about cutting the show, just the sequence that plays between shows.

--Daniel L

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As I understand it, the sequence that is running when the show time "ends" will continue until it is finished.

I think you might need to design a 9 minute show (for example) and then put 45 seconds of transistion music/lights ... let that small sequence end ... leaving about 15 seconds of quiet time, then your next 10 minute show will begin.

My shows were seperated by something that someone here called a "Chuck Smith" -- this is a animation only sequence that lasted long enough to flash all 80 channels (last year) one at a time from 1 to 80 and couple times through ... it peformed no function except that it looked cool as all the lights seemingly raced around the yard, through all the bushes and up on to the house.

I had a couple versions of "Chuck-Smith" sequences ... that I would shove in just for the fun of it between shows. It also helped mark the end/beginning of the shows for those watching.

Hope this helps,


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