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show glitch?!


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Twice tonight the entire display shut off for about a full second then came back on. This happened in the middle of a song/sequence. Everything was running normal and then complete darkness for a moment then back to normal. The control panel status shows normal. We haven't changed anything recently.

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How old is your computer? For a number of years I was running my show on a very old Win XP machine. All ran well until one night the show started sloooowing down. A lot. Everything stayed synced but the songs were slower, to the point that my show was running 5 minutes longer, due to hardware failure of the computer. Hopefully a reboot prevents the issue from reoccurring. 

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No idea on the age of the computer... It was a hand-me down. It's a Gateway netbook that started life with Windows 7 starter edition, a couple years ago I upgraded it to Win10. It has 2 gigs of ram and also a 1gig sd card in ready boost as extra memory. Win 10 was a clean install and there is nothing else on the computer but LOR. I have the wifi switch turned off.

The computer was rebooted the other day, we had a power outage. I will do a reboot after the show ends tonight and before it runs again tomorrow.

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That's not much RAM for a Windows 10 computer.  Yes, it meets minimum spec according to Windows, but it's pretty low.  That could easily lead to running out of RAM while running the show.


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2G RAM :o  I remember trying to run Vista (32bit)with 1.5G  HA!  It may be spec, but I would call 4G minimum for a basic (64 or32 bit) system. YOU DO NOT WANT A SWAP TO DISK EVENT (to free up memory) to happen during the show

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Unfortunatly that is all the ram the computer allows for. I also only use it to run the show. Yesterday was the first time we have seen this glitch happen.

I wonder of that is what happened? Ran out of available memory and it had to reset it self...  I used the same computer in previous years with no issues. Only change this year was adding another controller, six total and using about 90 of the 96 channels.


I suppose I can run the task manager and watch the ram and cpu usage and see what it shows.

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So I rebooted the computer today before the show started. I opened the task manager to watch the CPU, RAM, Dick usage. The entire time the ram was steady at 1gig out of 2 being used, the graph never noticeably changed. On the other hand the CPU usage spiked to 100% or close to it when the sequences first started up and then quickly settled down to 20% range or so during the sequence. The disk usage also increased noticeably but not near maximum.  After the show ran it's first full run the spikes in CPU usage was less but still pretty high.

When the third sequence started the entire show/display went dark for a second or two and then most of it came back on. Several channels on a couple of the controllers did not come back on. When the next sequence started everything went back to running normally and I haven't seen it happen again today.

I took a couple pics of the monitors with my phone.











Maybe I just need to upgrade to a more powerful machine?

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  • 2 weeks later...
38 minutes ago, PhilMassey said:

By any chance was the show creating playback files during the spikes.

The OP is on S4, so likely not.


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And the show has been running fine since I last posted...


I'm gonna be on the lookout for a 'new' more powerful computer to run the show.

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