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Wreath Animation - please help

Brent R

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I ,like many, took advantage of the 5V CCB sale.

Great now that I have them I don't know how to use them.

I am in 4.4.4 with an advanced license. I can go to 5 but that seemed a little two "new" for me to make the jump right now.  

I am planning on putting all 100 CCB on a 60" wreath splitting it with 50 on the left and 50 on the right side.

I was hoping to let them run independent of my show with color changes, maybe half and half and some fun swirls or twinkle effects. 

Seems that I can not save or do anything in Pixel Editor I think I need an upgrade? 

Super star will let me do some but what it has come up with is a bit overly flashy.Again this is all new to me so I may be doing something wrong.  

Any advice on a quicker way to build out a 5 min animation sequence? 

Anyone willing to share some wreath animations?


Thank you in advance





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First, to use Pixel Editor you need to upgrade to a Pro license. Second, you mentioned that you purchased the 5v CCB in the Clearance Sale but you didn't mention what controller.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you mean you have a 5ft wreath and you want to embed 100 pixels in it (in a somewhat random-ish manner), that will look quite nice I think, as long as the wreath itself is visible.  Otherwise, it's just a bunch of random pixels floating in the dark.  With so few pixels for such a big object, I think the audience needs to know what they are looking at.

For the prop in Pixel editor, you might consider creating a custom grid, placing each pixel in the grid corresponding to where it is in the wreath.  Meaning that PE "knows" that the pixel on the far left is really on the far left, etc.

Reason being, as long as the pixels in PE are where they are in real life, you can do nice wipes in any direction very easily.  A spiral might even look nice.  
I think Superstar is overkill if this is your only pixel element. 

Edited by brianfox
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Hey Brian,

Thank you for the advice. It is a real wreath,  my mother really wanted something to pop her house this year. 

I was able to put the CCB's 3 across turn and repeat starting at the bottom and working my way up each side with a string of 50. .

With limited time I ended up doing some color washed with random white twinkles and a few chases.

I do need to purchase the upgrade and start playing with Pixel editor, unfortunately that won't be until the new year but I expect to have an amazing looking wreath next year. 

I Wreath.thumb.jpg.53db281c9d28711d04246d073ef2eca6.jpgd a photo of the wreath. 

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