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Pixie 16 and ctb16 -can boards


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After all this work I come to find out my pixie 16 boards and my ctb16 boards don't work across the same network and the pixie boards won't run dmx or e1.31 so now do I need to purchase another 485 adapter ? And then set that up within the network to run the pixie 16 any help would be great. Just getting disappointed with all of this so far just trying to get a pixel tree to work with in my sequences.



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This is a useful page as a reference:


Assuming your CTB-16 controllers are NOT Gen 3, you are correct that they can't run on the same network.  You would need to run a second network for the Pixie.  Running two networks is not all that hard, but you DO need to have at least an Advanced level LOR software license as listed on this page:


Note that if you have a Pro level license, you can run the second network in Enhanced mode which is also required if you use Pixel Editor.

My general recommendation is to only buy High Speed (Red) USB to RS-485 adapters.  It is required for 500K or 1000K networks.

I'm sorry that you are getting disappointed.  Unfortunately there is a bit of a learning curve with this hobby (addiction).


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Thank you sir 

I do have a pro license and everything worked on my computer layout but when everything is hooked up only one or the other would work. Well down till I get one.


thanks again 


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