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GFCI breaker keeps tripping due to light rain


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It started raining very lightly a few hours ago, and the GFCI breaker for our new outdoor outlets has tripped 3 times in the past 5 minutes.  Is this normal in a light misty rain?  I guess I might expect this if it's raining hard, but the circuit breaker for the outlet we previously used never tripped even in heavier rains.

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Thanks for the reply, I think I figured it out.  There were 4 out of 16 candy canes that had the (unused) female sockets sticking face down into the wet grass.  I think 2 of them were actually making contact with the soil.  Tomorrow I'll zip-tie them upright to each candy cane and cap them (and all other female sockets) with plastic outlet plugs.

For now I've trapped the female sockets in an upright position against each candy cane with landscaping stone/brick.  As I've done in previous years, all connections to extension cords are also sitting on landscaping bricks to keep them off the ground.

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31 minutes ago, Speedster said:

There were 4 out of 16 candy canes that had the (unused) female sockets sticking face down into the wet grass.  I think 2 of them were actually making contact with the soil.

That certainly could do it!


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