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Lost little lamb


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Hey guys. I'm not new to LOR - have been running shows since 2006, including some DMX stuff using iDMX1000 controller. I've just begun to fool with a set of CCPs and love to imagine all the possibilities. But you have to walk before you run, and I'm still having problems with my first baby steps. Here's what I've done so far...

I've created a new sequence in SE, and saved. Then opened that file in PE and programmed a munch of effects to a prop. It looks the way I want it to when I see the on-screen representation. So I save the intensity file, close PE, open the sequence in SE and play it. I get no lights at all. I THINK I've configured the CCP correctly in the HU, and I AM able to get the lights to work using a different sequence in SE, set  up just to test the CCP.

Attached are a couple of screen shots from HU and PE, and to this "newbie" it looks right, but I'm not sure that I know what I'm looking for. Can someone point out the error of my ways and help get me going in the right direction?



Oh, forgot to mention that yes, I do shutdown the LOR control panel before trying to run the sequence in SE.

Thanks a lot for your time!


Edited by DownTown
Forgot to add info about shutting down SE
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Two things. You must have the control panel (and therefore the Comm Listener) running, and you must have the LOR network set for enhanced mode in order to play intensity files.

Sent from my Droid Turbo via Tapatalk, so blame any typos or spelling errors on Android

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Just to add on to what Jim stated, since you have to run an enhanced network make sure all of your controllers can run on an enhanced network. Since you have been with LOR for a number of years you may have some of the older controllers that will not be able to run on an enhanced network.

Check them out here:


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Ok, thanks guys, that will give me a place to start. FWIW, when I open the sequence in SE to play it when control panel is running, it tells me that because CP is running, SE won't be able to control lights because CP is open. Will that change when enhanced mode is turned on?

Thanks again.


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2 hours ago, DownTown said:

Ok, thanks guys, that will give me a place to start. FWIW, when I open the sequence in SE to play it when control panel is running, it tells me that because CP is running, SE won't be able to control lights because CP is open. Will that change when enhanced mode is turned on?

OK, I'm full of something - and it smells.  I never play from the Sequence Editor, but I just confirmed that you're right.  So much for my memory.

I'm a little confused by something however D.T.  Your profile says you are running version 3.12.4, but you talk about using PE, so I assume that you're really running some version of S4 and your profile is out of date.  You might want to update that since there were MAJOR changes with S4, and if people reply based on you using S3, you will get bad answers.

So now that I'm no so full of it, make sure that your network is configured for "Enhanced".  You can't play intensity files on a non-enhanced network.  And as Mr. P said, older controllers or newer ones with old firmware won't be able to play on an enhanced network.


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Thanks a lot k6ccc. I understand that my controllers won't work with enhanced mode. And yes, I do have the Pro level license, I just haven't updated my profile to show it. My intent is to run the PE sequence on a new laptop, using JUST the CCP controller, so I won't have to worry about the old controllers on the enhanced network. Kind of a portable show I can bring to work so I can win the base's decorating prize. We'll see how it all shakes out. I'm hoping to have time tonight to get the enhanced mode sorted out.

Thanks again.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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It's not that hard to run multiple networks - one enhanced and one non-enhanced.  At home I run one of each year round, and add an additional enhanced network for Christmas.


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