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LOR 16 Channel HELP !!!!! (resolved)

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Hi Folks;

I have a new 16 channel controller in my hands in the UK, but have hit a problem with it and need URGENT HELP / ADVICE.

My problem is that when I use the hardware utility, this finds the controller on comm3, but asks if this is the same com port for show, which I answer yes.

I have been testing a sequence and have connected some lights to the controller, but when I run the sequence, NO LIGHTS Display.

The Channels are set to use the LOR controller, set to unit 01 and in the Play menu item "Control Lights" is ticked.

On the Hardware utility, the lights will flash / chase / twinkle, etc with no problem. However when I exit from the hardware utility, I lose communication to the board and have to "auto configre" comm port and refresh to find unit again.



Graham :waycool:

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Thanks for the reply, but I have already seen that post and have carried out all in the post, but still not working, will test a simple animated sequence to see if it works.

No this does not work either.

Seems to be something to do with the config possibly of the software to hardware, but this is me only guessing



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Some more ifo to hopefully resolve my problem.

I have just created a small animated sequence and dowloaded to unit via hardware utility and this WORKED. Have also tested a sequence in a show, but this did not work.

Could this problem be that I maybe still have demo version of software installed, I have version 1.50 installed, does anyone know latest version number.

I am using the USB485B adapter from computer to controller.

Any ideas Anyone.


Graham :(

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In the Sequence Editor,

Do: Edit->Preferences->Network Preferences.... Then

Set LOR to COMM3

Set Dasher and X10 to "NONE"

Then click OK.

(Also go into the Hardware Utility and delete the standalone sequence.

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Hi Dan;

Thanks for the reply, you were my next port of call thru the light-o-rama web site.

I have tried what you suggested, but it is still not working, but the test in the hardware utility works fine.

Is it the norm that you have to keep the hardware utility running to maintain communication to the board, as when I shut this down the communication to the board is lost and I have to open the hardware utility and setup again.

Everything seems to be fine, just the sequence editor software will not talk to it, will have to find disk which you sent me with order and re-install editor software to try this out.

Any Ideas ?.



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When I won't to run my lights, I have to bring up the Hardware Utility. I refresh and make sure all lights come on, then I don't need it anymore.

I bring up my sequence editor and run my sequence and the lights dance to the music. Make sure control lights are clicked on and your channels are assigned to your LOR controller.

Also, before I installed my LOR software, I un-install the demo version.

Another thing make sure you ripped the music the right way. Dan has info on his website about ripping.

I'm a newbie at this, but maybe something was useful.

I'm still learning and making mistakes, too!

Keep plugging along!

Michael B

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Graham Swan wrote:

Hi Dan;

Thanks for the reply, you were my next port of call thru the light-o-rama web site.

I have tried what you suggested, but it is still not working, but the test in the hardware utility works fine.

Is it the norm that you have to keep the hardware utility running to maintain communication to the board, as when I shut this down the communication to the board is lost and I have to open the hardware utility and setup again.

Everything seems to be fine, just the sequence editor software will not talk to it, will have to find disk which you sent me with order and re-install editor software to try this out.

One other thing... only one of the Hardware Utility, Sequence Editor and Show Player (Shows Enabled) can be running at one time.

So make sure that shows are disabled and that the Hardware Utility is not running.

Then run the Sequence Editor. Double check that it is still on Comm3 if the lights are not working.
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Graham Swan wrote:

Is it the norm that you have to keep the hardware utility running to maintain communication to the board, as when I shut this down the communication to the board is lost and I have to open the hardware utility and setup again.


You cannot have the hardware utility running when trying to run the show. The hardware utility finds the controller/s and makes a connection with it. Once the hardware utility has found the controller/s, close it out. You don't need it anymore.

I shut down my computer every night after the show, disconnect it and bring the laptop home. The next day, all I do is plug it in, activate the LOR tray (insuring the show is enabled) and connect up my controller cable. That's it, no going to the hardware utility or nothing.

Now I will add this, make sure that the directory where the show editor was created is active. For example, I use a thumbdrive (memory stick) during the show. If I try to run sequences from the C:/drive, I have to reprogram the whole show (show editor) to read it from the C:/drive. But since I use the thumbdrive, I have to make sure it is plugged in.

Again, once the computer has made connection to the controller/s thru the hardware utility, you shouldn't have to go back unless you changed computers or added more controllers. (make sure it says # controllers found).

Hope this helps,

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Graham Swan wrote:

I am using the USB485B adapter from computer to controller.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I too am running the USB485B connector. There is a disc that comes with the adapter you must download for this to run. When you download this, it is assigned to a driver/comm port. make sure the driver/comm port you assigned it to is the same comm port you are assigning the hardware utility. I ran into this myself (without reading the instructions :]) and once I was aware of it and corrected it, the show worked fine. I left my original comm port #3 for the regular LOR connection and assigned the LOR USB adapter to comm port #5.

I hope I'm not way in left field on your current situation :{.

Just a thought. Hope something helps.

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Hi Guys;

Thanks for all the advice on this subject, WE NOW HAVE LIGHTS.

The fix was only have one thing running at any one time, I had the hardware utility open when running sequence editor and it did not like this.

Dan your words of wisdom done the trick, now I am one of santa happy little display helpers.

Thanks guys, now I can relax and think about the sequence now.

Case closed.


Graham :waycool:

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