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I need some help guys

I have 6 Showtime controllers LOR1602W and cannot get them to flash. I did a network search in the hardware utility and the computer finds them all. They will turn on twinke, fade, etc. I created a temporary show in the show editor and then put the temporary show in the scheduler. The temporary show started fine playing the audio, but are not flashing the lights. I did set all the units and circuits in the sequence editor for each song. I must be missing something simple.

Thanks Kevin

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Is the hardware utility and the sequence editor open at the same time? ANd i just realized that it was a temp. show. You need to give the computer a few mintues to register. You need to have the schuduel editor open (it can be minimized). Also you need to have the LOR control panel seleted to enable vs. disable... hope this helps

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No everything is closed. I start the LOR control panel and enable show. Under LOR statue is current activity No show is active Under scheduled activity Wait for next show Next show is at the time I set it up.

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Just my thoughts,

Well it could be in the animation editor. I mean you have the audio but not the lights. It's got to be in the scheduler file somewhere. Is this possible?

I use musical sequences only (LMS or lms). What do you have/use?

Just a thought.


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Hey Joe & Tom

What I meant by a temp show is I used one song instead of the six songs I am coming to use at Christmas time. I did also have the scheduler opened and minimized. Also the show was enabled. I even let the one song play a few times.


I am using musical sequences only also.

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Just in case he gets to excited and forgets to report back...

When you set your controllers, Unit 1 is "0" "1" on the dials.

After he reset his controllers they all worked just fine!

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