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LOR attracts like a bug light

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Hello all,

Well as some may already know, I have an amusement ride which is currently operating Fridays thru Sundays up to Labor Day weekend here in Oklahoma City. On the weekend prior to July 4th, I hooked up 4 16-channel LOR controllers to operate my light show. Because my eletrical is just a temp set-up and awaiting permanent electrical install, I can only run about 2/3 the lights I originally planned.

Anyway, I have the show starting at about 8:30pm till 10 or so. Last weekend we got pretty busy and the lobby was packed. At about 9:30ish the lobby was pretty well empty. I went to the front (I stay in the back to observe the ride during operation) and noticed the lightshow wasn't going. My computer hick-upped or something so I started the show again. 5 minutes later the lobby was full. This has happened several times now. While I'm not sure why the computer hick-upped, it kinda shows me that the light show draws a crowd and feel it increased ticket sales (every weekend since 4th of July).

Usually I'll schedule the show to stop at about 10:00pm on Fridays and Saturdays so we can start shutting everything down before the drunks start getting stupid. This past Saturday it was so busy (Reggae Fest) inside I decided to run the show untill 11:00pm and we were booming with business until the light show stopped.

Even on weekends where nothing is going on in the area, our sales are up.

Before the 4th of July, we didn't run but maybe half the ticket sales we're running now. I think the light show is making a big difference. Can't wait till Halloween and Christmas.

I just wanted to share my experience with anyone out there that might have a business that operates in the evening. If you have an evening business and don't run an animated light show out front, you might seriously think about starting to.

As for the computer hick-up thing, that's a different story.

Just my thoughts, Tom

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Tom, it's amazing how LOR can put "magic" into anything, and you have taken it to the next level and have increased traffic at your business! Great to know!

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Michael B wrote:

Very interesting. I'm glad you shared that.

I wonder how that would effect church attendance?

Michael B

That's not a bad idea. It might get more people to come and see what's going on. It's worth a try.

Attraction draws more attraction.

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Santas Helper wrote:

Hello all,

Well as some may already know, I have an amusement ride which is currently operating Fridays thru Sundays up to Labor Day weekend here in Oklahoma City. On the weekend prior to July 4th, I hooked up 4 16-channel LOR controllers to operate my light show. Because my eletrical is just a temp set-up and awaiting permanent electrical install, I can only run about 2/3 the lights I originally planned.

Anyway, I have the show starting at about 8:30pm till 10 or so. Last weekend we got pretty busy and the lobby was packed. At about 9:30ish the lobby was pretty well empty. I went to the front (I stay in the back to observe the ride during operation) and noticed the lightshow wasn't going. My computer hick-upped or something so I started the show again. 5 minutes later the lobby was full. This has happened several times now. While I'm not sure why the computer hick-upped, it kinda shows me that the light show draws a crowd and feel it increased ticket sales (every weekend since 4th of July).

Usually I'll schedule the show to stop at about 10:00pm on Fridays and Saturdays so we can start shutting everything down before the drunks start getting stupid. This past Saturday it was so busy (Reggae Fest) inside I decided to run the show untill 11:00pm and we were booming with business until the light show stopped.

Even on weekends where nothing is going on in the area, our sales are up.

Before the 4th of July, we didn't run but maybe half the ticket sales we're running now. I think the light show is making a big difference. Can't wait till Halloween and Christmas.

I just wanted to share my experience with anyone out there that might have a business that operates in the evening. If you have an evening business and don't run an animated light show out front, you might seriously think about starting to.

As for the computer hick-up thing, that's a different story.

Just my thoughts, Tom

Hi Tom,

I have sent you a PM. This hick-up thing is not normal. Many people run the show unattended for 30 days at a time. We need to understand your problem.
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glenn wrote:


Glad to hear that your plans are working.

Now I have been in pit, and that just may be some of the ghost messing with your lights.


:laughing: LOL,

Thanks Glenn,

You might be right on the ghost thing.

Hey Dan, does LOR have anything for ghosts?

Actually, Dan is working with me on a LOR Ghost Exterminator or Ghost Buster (that's what I call it). He calls it a LOR USB adaptor :]. I didn't know such an animal exists.

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Santas Helper wrote:

glenn wrote:

Glad to hear that your plans are working.

Now I have been in pit, and that just may be some of the ghost messing with your lights.


:laughing: LOL,

Thanks Glenn,

You might be right on the ghost thing.

Hey Dan, does LOR have anything for ghosts?

Actually, Dan is working with me on a LOR Ghost Exterminator or Ghost Buster (that's what I call it). He calls it a LOR USB adapter :]. I didn't know such an animal exists.


I believe that Tom's problem is a third party USB-Serial adapter. We will find out soon.

It is funny that you all mentioned Ghost Busters... The family and I are on vacation this week and on Saturday we went to the SAC Air and Space Museum near Omaha Nebraska. Later that day we went driving down old RT66 and in a small town, proudly parked in the corner of a burger joint was the Ghost Buster Mobile!!! Made me stop...
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I think that is too cool (not the computer hick-up) but the attracting thing. Sure would like to go see your ride in action but with my back problems I don't think it would be a good idea to make the trip, maybe in a couple months after the next surgery (which I will find out about tomorrow), but I really want to see it and I think the girls would like it too. When we do make it down there maybe you could turn off the LOR so we won't have to deal with the crowd (just kidding).:}


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gremler wrote:


but with my back problems I don't think it would be a good idea to make the trip,

Thanks Bill, that would be great if your whole family could make it down.

I think I would be more concerned of your back when going thru the ride rather than the trip to OKC. I have startlers in there that will make you jump and flinch. So please make sure your healed up before you ride (which I hope your healing up ok anyways). I hope to have my electrical done by the end of September to get ALL my lights going. I won't have any time for it until next year if not.

But I would sure like to see ya come down.

Take care and get healed up soon, AND COME VISIT :].

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Santas Helper wrote:

I think I would be more concerned of your back when going thru the ride rather than the trip to OKC.


I am actually more worried about the trip down, when I drive to work, every bump is like a electricity shooting from my lower back straight to the brain (no fun), so at this point I can't see driving 100 miles. I think the ride would be easy compared to that. The sad part of all this is, I can't go on any rides for quite a while, no more State Fair (coming soon to Tulsa), no trips to Disneyland, no Six Flags, nothing. I just really hope I will be well enough to put up the lights.

I really do want see your stuff (one might take that wrong, but I meant the light show and ride) , I know how much effort you put in to it and it must be too cool.

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jmccorm wrote:

I'm kinda interested by your amusement ride.


Come on down. We're open Fridays thru Sundays up to Labor Day weekend.

Visit www.bricktownamusement.com for more info.

Bill, as with your surgery and especially in the back area. That's pretty serious stuff so take it easy and heal up with out any rush. We want to see you up on that roof in November in good health. I will add, if the healing process is not up to speed by then, I will gladly donate a day of labor on a weekend in November to help with lights/display. Keep that in mind if you need any help.

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I do appreciate it, I have so much time invested in doing this Christmas display project and I just may need some help getting it done (we will see how it goes), My biggest fear is putting this much effort into doing this and not seeing it come to to life, I just wish I had learned about the whole LOR -sequenced light display a couple years back. But I guess that is the way things go.


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gremler wrote:

My biggest fear is putting this much effort into doing this and not seeing it come to to life

Bill, myself and I think a few others won't let that happen. It WILL come to life.

It's not like your on the street corner holding a cardboard sign saying "set up my lights for food".

"Fear not, the lights you dream of, but the traffic you'll create with those lights".

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  • 2 weeks later...

LightORama wrote:

This hick-up thing is not normal. Many people run the show unattended for 30 days at a time. We need to understand your problem.

Well just to follow up on Dan's own concern about a problem I had mentioned earlier. He had an LOR USB converter sent to me to try out (yes, LOR has it's own USB/serial port converter, I know that now). I originally bought one from Best Buy.

Anyway, I've ran the show the last 2 nights and haven't had one problem. I'm continueing the test next weekend but feel pretty good the results will be the same, which is flawless :waycool::waycool::waycool:.

Anyway, I just wanted to pass along that LOR stepped up to the plate without me even approaching them first. And, if you have or plan on getting a computer/laptop without a serial port, "Make sure you get LOR's USB/serial port converter box".

"Just a quick note, you won't know that it will happen until you run the actual light show so don't wait until showtime if your not sure"

There's a lesson to be learned every time you get on this forum. I just love it :waycool:.

Thanks Dan/Mary and the LOR gang.

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Santas Helper wrote:

LightORama wrote:

This hick-up thing is not normal. Many people run the show unattended for 30 days at a time. We need to understand your problem.

I'm continueing the test next weekend but feel pretty good the results will be the same, which is flawless :waycool::waycool::waycool:.

Well I just wanted to pass on my results (2 weekends of testing).

Dan, that was it (using a LOR USB converter fixed it).:waycool: I ran the show during the day for a few hours (as part of the test) and ran the normal show the past 2 weekend evenings and NO TROUBLE AT ALL!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to pass that on. Dan, Mary and the LOR crew are great customer service folks and I have never seen such wonderful service from any other company, EVER!!!

Thank you,

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