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MP3 Controller Help

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I hope someone can help me - I created a musical sequence and saved it. I opened my Hardware Utility and click on the MP3 tab. Next I clicked Add Sequence and then clicked on the one that I had created. I received a message 'There were no Light-o-rama controller event in the file' - I am not sure what that means. It will not let me go forward. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the help, Bill

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Bill Jr. wrote:

I hope someone can help me - I created a musical sequence and saved it. I opened my Hardware Utility and click on the MP3 tab. Next I clicked Add Sequence and then clicked on the one that I had created. I received a message 'There were no Light-o-rama controller event in the file' - I am not sure what that means. It will not let me go forward. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the help, Bill

Bill, had the same problem. Here's what to do.

Connect the RS485 adapter to your pc, open the hardware utility and do your thing. It should be working fine after it's' connected.

I believe what's happening, the program is looking for the adapter for some reason.

I did it and works great.

Hope this help!
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Bill Jr. wrote:

Bill, Thanks for the help but I hooked up my USB485B Booster and it still doesn't work. Should I hook up my controller? I'm going to try that next.


It sounds like your comm port is NOT seeing your adapter.

With everything connected, go into the hardware utility. Click on "Auto Configure" in the "Setup Comm Port" section. Then follow the prompts afterwards.

After selecting your comm port, it should work.
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Hi Bill,

The message 'There were no Light-o-rama controller events in the file' indicates that none of the channels in the sequence is assigned to a LOR controller.

You have to configure the channels in your sequence so that the LOR software knows what controller/plug the channel is supposed to control. Click on the top most channel name in the sequence and assign it to be a LOR controller Unit ID "01", circuit 1..... etc.....

Once you have all the channels configured save the configuration for future sequences. Use the Export(to save) and Import commands under the EDIT menu...

Once you have saved the sequence with the channels configured that error message will go away.

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BTW: Mountianwxman is correct that there has to be a valid com port on the machine. There does not have to be a controller connected but there has to be a com port.

There is absolutely NO REASON why you should need a valid com port to do this. It is an oversight in the software (some would call it a bug!)... But deep in the code, the Hardware Utility attempts to open the currently selected com port when you attempt to create a show for the MP3 player. We never noticed it because we always had a valid LOR com port on our machines.

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Dan and Mountain,

Thanks for the help! Dan I can't tell you thanks enough for your input. I missed a simple step and forgot to assign each channel. It looked for a comm port and assigned #6, the MP3 controller is my fifth 16 channel but first MP3 and if you don't pay attention to each step - this will happen. I had one last question.

If I create five sequences and create a show - if the show is a total of 15 minutes can I create animation sequences to fill in the remaining time. If the show runs every two hours can an animation fill in the remainng 1 hour and 45 minutes and then start over? I have always downlaoded sequences into the units as standalone and never created a show.

Thanks for all of your input.


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Bill Jr. wrote:

If I create five sequences and create a show - if the show is a total of 15 minutes can I create animation sequences to fill in the remaining time. If the show runs every two hours can an animation fill in the remainng 1 hour and 45 minutes and then start over? I have always downlaoded sequences into the units as standalone and never created a show.


You can put in animation sequences. One thing to note: The MP3 director does not support loops in anmiation sequences. That support will be added later.
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Hey Dan, the sequences that I was talking about are musical sequences. If I create 5 musical sequences and fill the remaining time of a two hour time block with normal sequences (no music) - will that work on the MP3 controller? Or Do I create a show of that above and use the schedule & show editor's - this program will be attached to a computer that is always on?

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Bill Jr. wrote:

Hey Dan, the sequences that I was talking about are musical sequences. If I create 5 musical sequences and fill the remaining time of a two hour time block with normal sequences (no music) - will that work on the MP3 controller? Or Do I create a show of that above and use the schedule & show editor's - this program will be attached to a computer that is always on?

Hi Bill.

I am getting a bit confused :) (not a hard thing to do :laughing:) so I am going to jump into general information mode...

Desired effect: 5 songs (15 minutes or so) followed by 100(or so) minutes of animation. This 2 hour effect repeats.

Using existing software/hardware:

Solution 1 using the MP3-Director to direct the show: On the MP3 tap of the Hardware Utility, create a show with the 5 songs followed by 100 minutes of sequences. The sequence can be one or more files that add up to 100 minutes of activity. For example, you could have a 5 minute sequence you can add it 20 times to make up 100 minutes of activity.

Solution 2 using the PC to direct the show: Create a SHOW1 with the five songs. Create SHOW2 with only animation sequences. Time SHOW1 so that you know how many minutes it takes (lets say that the 5 songs take 15 minutes). Schedule SHOW1 to run for 14 minutes ( by picking 14 minutes we are sure that we start to shut down the show while the last song is playing. The show will continue to run until the last song completes) Schedule SHOW2 to start immediately after SHOW1 and let it run for 100 minutes. Schedule SHOW1 to start immediately after SHOW2.... etc.....
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