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Multi color LED strings


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I have seen plenty of places to buy led lights. I know some of the lights have the ability to change colors. Its pretty comon to get an LED when you reverse the polarity, it changes color.

I was wondering if anyone had found a source for led strands where they have a controller or seperate power leads for different colors - this would allow 1 strand of lights to provide multiple colors, and not eat as many chanels. also save time and cost on hanging muptiple strings

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Uh, I think you may not be understanding how LEDs work. The color can't be changed by simply reversing the polarity. In fact, since an LED is a diode, if you reverse the polarity, no current flows at all.

You may be thinking about some types of LEDs that are specifically made such that they are actually 2 diodes in one casing with reverse polarity. These are often used in electronics, but I have seen a few of them for other uses. Example, I have an LED here which is red with DC flowing in one direction, but green in another direction. Again, it is actually 2 leds in one housing.

Unless there is something new on the market that I am not aware, what you are asking isn't going to be done with LOR.

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I completely understand, I should have been more clear, yes those are the type of LED's im refering to - 2 diodes in one lamp / unit where reversing the polarity causes a second color. I used to buy them at radio shack years ago....

I'm basically just interested to know if anyone has seen light strands made with those type of LED's.

And yes, I further understand LED's in a string are likey to be "ac" down the cord, therefore reversing the polarity woudl have no effect, but I believe I have seen some rope light (and other types ) that are DC down the string, in this setup with a multicolor led, it would be possible to have 2 colors on one strand by reversing the polairty. Im just looking for a strand that has those components.

Or - a 3 wire strand where comon + lead a makes one color, and comon + lead b makes a second color.

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There is some rope light that is 4 wire, three color 120V, but it is common positive, so it really doesn't work well with LOR and attempts to rectify the power for full wave operation. There are also things like the CCR, but that is probably not what you are looking for either.

On top of that, I'm not exactly sure how you are planning to use LOR to feed one polarity some times, and the reverse others. You could probably do it with a DC card, a relay, and two channels...

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