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show editor


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Dear LOR guys (and girls),

I am very new to all of this. I finally got 2 Halloween sequences done and they work great with everything. Now I seem to have a problem getting the show editor to just run them one after the other. I don't want anything fancy this time around. The pair will play and then nothing else starts. Any ideas?



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You mentioned show editor. Once you create the show in the show editor then you need to schedule that show in the schedule editor.

If your show is say 7 minutes long and you put it in the schedule to play from 7pm till 10 pm then it should play continuously back to back. The current version 2.5.6 has a log that will show you what is happening with your show. Very good aid to see if something is not working correctly.

Also please modify your profile to reflect your location. There are plenty of us around the world...just maybe someone is near you and can help better than using the forums.


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Dear Chuck,

I went through the schedule editor and the 2 seqences played fine, but then the whole thing just stops. It is scheduled for a few hours so I do not understand why it keeps ending the show.


Nicole Bowen

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Dear Chuck,

I went through the schedule editor and the 2 seqences played fine, but then the whole thing just stops. It is scheduled for a few hours so I do not understand why it keeps ending the show.


Nicole Bowen

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Dear Chuck,

I went through the schedule editor and the 2 seqences played fine, but then the whole thing just stops. It is scheduled for a few hours so I do not understand why it keeps ending the show.


Nicole Bowen

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The control panel status window now has a log. Does the log show anything that might relate to why the show is stopping?

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If your sequences are musical sequences then the best place is to put them in the musical tab on the show builder.

Startup and shutdown sequences will only run one time during the show. So if you have a startup sequence and you have your show set to run at 7 pm the startup will run at 7 pm then the musical and animation stuff, if your end show is 10 pm then when the last musical sequence finishes at 10pm it will run the shutdown sequence.


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