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Need to know what u guys think

Dan Lott

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So i am a newbie my first day to this site. This site is great. So I have been working on my 80 channel show all summer. I am almost done with everything just some work left on the mega tree. Well I live in Michigan and the weather the last couple of weeks has been rain and in the 40's. Today and the next two days are in the high 50's low 60's. After that it is going back down in the 40's and more rain. I do my roof lines in 3 colors of c9 bulbs so it take about 1 and a half days.. I like them strait. Last year i put up the roof lights first weekend of November and the last 2 weekends the rest of the show. Now that it looks like it is going to be rain and cold i am thinking of putting up the roof lights this early. The neighbors already think i am nuts and i hate putting roof lights up in the cold, Rain, Snow etc. I know it is early but i just cant help my self. i will put up the rest of the show in the mid of November like arches, trees, mega tree, and everything else. So just wondering what you guys think and when you start to put up your shows.

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If I had the choice between putting them up right now when it is 60 outside or wait a week and put them up when it is wet and 40...................that would be a NO BRAINER for me!

I couldn't care less if the neighbors thought I was crazy! If nothing else, do it for your health and safety!

I would do it!

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I start my roof and tree lights up the last weekend of Oct. at the earliest. Any earlier, I just feel "weird" about it. (Heck I get inquisitive looks and comments even at that time).

I try not to put anything visible from a casual drive by on the street up until Mid-November (e.g. wireframes).

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I started putting up my lights this past weekend. As it turned out it was hot – record breaking heat here in Arizona! The roof felt like an oven! But my first show is Thanksgiving and I have lots of installation then testing to do so the first show is flawless. I typically start on October 20th.

Like the others, my neighbors consider me crazy…probably from stringing lights on the roof when it is over 100!

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I wait until November 1st to start putting the lights up. Like others have said, starting with the stuff on the house / in the trees, and once that is complete, I’ll work on the stuff in the yard. This avoids the temptation for the folks out late the night before from messing with stuff.

Right now I’m building the new stuff for 2009. Lot’s of winding of mini trees and arches…

…Last year was my first year with LoR. My neighbors have been asking for the last few weeks if I’m going to be doing it again, and that they are looking forward to it! (At least the ones I’ve talked with :))

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I put my roof lights up (with hot glue) in July 2008 and just left them up! Unless you look carefully, you wouldn't notice them when they're turned off.

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My roof lights (C9, three colors) went up October 4. I turned 'em on to make sure they worked, and they haven't been on since. Otherwise, I don't care what the neighbors think. It was good weather then, and I'm glad the roof line is up!


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DaveK wrote:

Rope lights or or strings? No UV deterioration problems?

LED strings. The (plastic) bulbs are getting yellow, but they still work. You can see them in the video of my mega arch test.
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I would start when the weather is nice. Who cares what the neighbors think. They'll think you were smart for putting your lights up when the weather was nice and their putting their lights up when it's cold and their fingers are num.

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I love that my neighbors think I crazy, keeps them on there toes.

I started last week in sept. Have white c-7, blue c-7, and icicles done. My leaves just started dropping, and it takes me three to four wekends to do them once they start dropping fast, so I like to get the house and trees wrapped before than. Today actually marks the half way point for me on the house. Hoping by weekend to have one more color done on house, and wired.

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I'm also not concerned what the neighbors think. I doubt they even notice since I regularly trot out something to see how this looks or how that looks. Count me as a firm believer of taking advantage of every day with nice weather this time of year. Heck, in Minnesota it could be in the twenties next week.

Having said that, what kind of answers did you really expect here in this forum where the true addicts hide out?

By the way - I'm about a third done with putting lights up. All devices are built and/or tested. The roof line got done today by someone totally unafraid of dying. (Not me.) I'll have everything except mini trees and stuff that sits in the yard installed by Halloween. Target completion date is Nov. 14th.

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That's awesome and thanks to all i wanted to hear exactly what you guys have said i am going to take advantage of the nice weather and get the 66 stands of c9s on the house. got all the new 1700 light clips put together today so i am starting tomorrow. Like i said i am a newbie to going big on lights this year so i did not know when all of you started putting lights out but i feel a lot better now. not that i care about the neighbors cause they now already that i over achieve and do things at weird times but it just seamed a little early for me but i love it.

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I actually set up my mega and mini trees on my back deck yesterday. Wanted to test all my extension cords and actually see some of my sequencing. I'm sure all the neighbors were wondering what all the flashing lights were. The neighbors daughter right next door even ran in and got her mom yelling "Mom, come here, you gotta see this!!"

It was nice to see the excitement...and they couldn't even hear the music!!!

Can't wait til the "Grand Lighting" on Thanksgiving night.

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Yeah, I'm getting kind of amped too... Last year November was just a blur - I'm hoping it's a little more sane this time around. Thanksgiving is late enough that everything should be ready. Maybe I'll even be able to see it a week or two earlier...

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