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Servo Dog Info?


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What type of servos will the Servo Dog board run, I assume they will operate a digital servo, but what about an analog servo.

Also, do you have any data sheets on the board as of yet, as well as programing help.

As always - Great Job!


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As I can't guarantee this information, I have been doing a lot of research on servos because I am using about 10 of them this year. From what I have read, the difference between analog and digital is the fact that digital servos can hold a program internally. Analog servos need to have some sort of controller hooked up to them in order to work. Now don't get confused, digital servos do not need to be programmed, however they do have that ability. Frankly, if you are going to use the ServoDog, or the DIO board (like I am) then you don't need a digital servo. If you do plan on having the servo store the program, the a digital servo is what you will need. I find that digital servos are more expensive, so I haven't purchased any.

Hope that helps.

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Analog servos are a long standing well defined standard. What is analog about them is the width of the signal pulse, not any voltage levels. Digital outputs are very well suited to producing the variable width pulse for analog servos. As I understand it, digital servos are still vendor proprietary, so separate firmware routines would have to be developed for each one, and the hardware utility would have to support configuring each channel for the brand to be used.

So, I'm pretty confident that analog servos will be supported, but until Dan or somebody in the know makes a statement about digital servo support, I wouldn't hold my breath...

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