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Easy Light Linker and Multi Homes


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Ok so I just added 32 more channels to my network and my neighbor just bought their first 16 channel box. We also went in on the pair of the Easy Light Linker wireless unites.

My question is how many of you are using the Easy Linkers and how has your experiences been with them? Also any input on setting up multi homes?

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I have used the LOR ELL's for two years now, and I have had great luck.
I run 368 channels, with 64 across the street. About 120', through two garage walls. Even with .05 timing and Very fast sequences I don't get any lag across the wireless.

I do get a kick out of seeing people get out of their cars and walk along the curb looking for wires strung across the street.

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bwolcott wrote:

Also any input on setting up multi homes?

The biggest problems setting up multi homes are not technical, but social.

One problem is the "last minute neighbor". Two weeks into November he says: "It looks like it won't be feasible to get the extension cords I need to wire the lights the way I planned. Let me give you the new configuration. You can adjust the sequences, right?"

Another problem is the "neighbor who's wife has a new thing." They get 3 inflatables that wash out the channel-controlled lights. And, again, it's last minute so there's not enough time to disconnect the lights from the inflatables and find some spare channels.

But you know, like everything else, it's a learning experience, and it should get better every year.
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Glad I don't have issues like that, but I could see that being very common.
My neighbors call their house "my canvas". I tell them how I need the set-up and let them know what I have planned and programmed, what spacing, placement etc...

I do supply the controllers, extension cords and most of the display items. I guess that's why it goes so easy.


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I did the houses on either side of mine, controlling all three homes with ELL.

Everything ran flawlessly. Setup was easier than opening a can of beer.


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I ran across the street and everything work flawlessly. Only trouble I had was when one of the control units lost power on the other side. A GFI cktbreaker had tripped, no fault of the display. Someone inside overloaded the bathroom GFI with hairdryers etc and tripped the GFI. The bathroom GFI also feed the outside circuits which I did not know when I set it up. Once the overload situation was corrected, no other problems were encountered.


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