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Having Problems (resolved)

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Ok so when I sechedual the show to start at a certin time, and then that time rolls around and I get music but no lights. For three days it worked fine on my other computer but now that I copied the files over to this computer it dose not work.


I had a simular promblem friday were noyhing happend so I opened the status and it said it was planing the show. But i figured that problem out, whay happended was when I copied my files to my new computer it move the music files to a different spot.

I read some of the help file but I couldn't find anything so I have b tinkering around with it for the past two hours and now just a little frustrated, so I decide to see if anyone eles nows what to do.

Thanks for any help.

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Santas Helper wrote:

Did you set up your Hardware tray on your new/other computer? Sounds like that or a cable connection to the controller.


What do you mean by hardware tray.
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Don't know if this is the same thing, but I had that exact same symptom when I added a musical sequence to the STARTUP portion of the show. The online manual says not to do it. And the result is that the music played, but the lights remained off.

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ok so I didn't put the music seqences in the start up portion of the show editor..... so that is not the promblem

And I ran the hardware utility by hiting refresh. It says found one unit just like it did on the other computer. And I can turn the lights in by selecting the on/of buttons.

Maby I should PM Dan

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Are you sure that when you copied the files over to the new computer, the channel information stayed the same in the sequence files? Right click on one of the channels, and make sure it still knows to look for "Controller 1, channel 1" etc.

Sounds like you have the shows scheduled to run, but the channels are not defined.

I don't know if the music will run (when scheduled through the Schedule editor) if the channels are not configured. (However in my head, it makes sense. Check the channels.)

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Richard III wrote:

Thanks every one for trying to help, but Don your advice helped.
I can't beleve I forgot about that.

True story ...

Set up for 2005. Thursday. Been working *all* day. I'm at the point where all the connections are made. Let's play the lights. Uh oh. Problem.

I've planned for this for months. 11 of them. What's the one thing I hadn't done? You guessed it, programmed the channels. I had spreadsheet after spreadsheet telling me what controller was going where, and what channel was going to be used, etc. However, I never took the time to program them all in.

So there I was sitting in my garage, with 5 people standing in the driveway, waiting for me to program 80 channels worth of information. *ugh*

10 minutes later (and only 1 mistake!) the lights were up and going.
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jmccorm wrote:

Don't know if this is the same thing, but I had that exact same symptom when I added a musical sequence to the STARTUP portion of the show. The online manual says not to do it. And the result is that the music played, but the lights remained off.

In the help menu, it says "The startup component consists of a collection of animation sequences that are played in order before the musical and animation components begin. Use the startup component to do any initialization that you need to do before beginning your show. You may not put musical sequences in the startup component".

In the LOR 202 training manual on page 11 says ". A good place to put a special song to start the show". ]

[align=left]Dan, John or Don... I know some have had problems in the start-up section. Which one is right? Just pointing out the discrepancy between the two.[/align]
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LightORama wrote:

The help is incorrect. The startup section was changed to allow musical sequences and the help did not get updated.

Thank you Dan. Just seeing which one was right. I'll continue to work on my musical sequence for the start-up mode.

So far I have 15 minutes of music sequenced. Time to take a break before the burn-out factor kicks in.

EDIT: all music totaled. The start-up is only 60 seconds.
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