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Troubleshooting Help....Phantom lights


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Hey guys....

We have our Fourth of July show running, and it looks great, except....

In two spots in "God Bless The USA", the middle of our red fireworks turn on. We double, triple, and quadruple-checked the sequence, and we never even have the red fireworks on during that song. We even deleted those channels from that sequence, and they still turn on at the same two points in the song.

We have our "Tune To" sign in the background, but there isn't a flaw in that either.

Any suggestions???

Thanks in advance.

(and Happy Fourth!)

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Have you tried the LOR verifier against the original version?

Any CFL bulbs in the display?

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Thanks for your help.

LED Floods, LED's, incandescent minis, and rope lights. The C9 LED's are the ones flickering.

We've used them for X-Mas with no problem.

Can I ask what a "LOR verifier" is here, or I do I need to go to "Newbie Land"? :?

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It is a new feature in 2.3.4. You should be able to find it in the start menu along with LOR, or right click on the LOR control panel. It will do some degree of sanity check on your schedule, show files, and sequence files. As far as I can tell, it will only verify sequences that you currently have in shows that are currently in the schedule. So it doesn't really do much on my sequencing PC, but may be able to validate more items being used on the show PC.

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Sometimes the controllers get confused. Using your manual for guidance do a reset on the problem controller. If you do not have the manual you can get it from the main LOR website under support.


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3 things to try:

1. Print out the channels and verify that something is not assigned to that, I know you did already. Do you have tracks too?

2. Reset the controller

3. Possibly put a small load on the channel, a small C7 out of sight.

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I did have the same problem with a sequence last year and finally found that I had inadvertinatly placed another controllers channel with one of the others when doing the placement. If nothing else double check that.

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