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controller problem


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Hi I have 2 pc 16 ch controllers I have one with a problem .After rain one controller has a few ch that stay on and no led liht on as well

Hardware Utility cannot find controllers when both plugged in i turned of power to "bad "controller and utility finds second controller i did a rest same prob.

removed comm chip still no led flash

HELP I worked all year on this and it goes bad on christmas night :(


ButchPs excuse spellin i desprite

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As I understand you have one box that is working and one that is not working, not work like NO LED flashing or solid on the bad controller.

On the controller that has no working LED did you check the fuse for the right side (9-16) of the board? The electronics on the board for the comm, and processor are powered by the fuse on the right side.


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yes controller 01 has no led at all its off

when i power it up i have 2 channels that stay on (fuse is ok )

Hw util. does not see any controller even 02 when 01 is powered

when i remove power from 01 i can see 02

its set up as follows pc -con 01 - con 02.

i disconnected all lights still the same

as soon as con 01 is powed it stops signal to con 02

I did reset still nothing

it was ok last night we had some rain today gfi was tripped i shook out lights / outlets gfi reset ok .

but i now have this .:(

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i dont know now i disconnected all lights from this controller

oh i did test both fuse with mulitimeter its good .

Im gona bench test it tomorrow i have 1 controller working but need this as a pass thro . i dont want stop the show .

any ideas on trouble shooting

also will lightorama overnight components ?

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I would bring the bad unit into the computer. Connect ONLY the bad unit to the computer. Launch the Hardware Utility. On the left side of the HWU select the lower section "Change Existing ID" Under Old unit ID select "Any Unit", under New Unit ID select the ID you want assigned to this controller. Then click on the change unit id button.


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Problem found

ic below connectors was loose i removed it and and placed it back in holder

its all ok :D

sad thought my house looked like it had a stroke on Christmas night with only half lit up:D

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