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Lights mounted - Only some pixels one full strip lighting up


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I bench tested everything several times before mounting the lights. Got all the strips mounted to my eve's ran all the wiring, being careful to not tug or pull any of the connections or pinch anything. There was an update for the software so I DL the latest version currently on 6.3.4, no conflicts showing in the previewer. I go to run a test with built in animations nothing happening. I run a test in the HW util only some pixels are lighting up on one strip or just one strip is working in the Util tests. My worst nightmare, I guess I need to go through and check all the connections. One strip is showing pixels being lit ever 6 or 7 , and one strip is only being lit up about 2 feet, one strip has two pixels lit on it and one will cycle through the HW test just fine rotating through the colors. 

strips are BTF Lighting WS2815 12v, running in WS2811 mode on the controller, well that what it was showing in the previous version of software. I don't see anywhere to change much in regards to controller config in the latest version

I know it's over kill with what I'm doing, I have two Pixie 16s running, one in the front of the house running 4 strips and one in the back of the house running 5 strips -  9 Total 

We'll if all else fails, I'll have the box mounted with the Pixie 16 on the back of the house and ready to setup a Pixel Tree... :) 

Bench tests - https://photos.app.goo.gl/C8bgD6bijk2YoWoo8

Any suggestions, tips on what to check for aside from my connections/solder points on the strips ? could it be anything on the software side?? being that I had it all working on the bench ??


Thank you!



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Smart strips working from Feed point to point x and stopping, is a clue that the Output of the last working node OR the input is bad .

(Skipping areas is a whole different issue)

Grab your Multimeter and make sure 12 V is making to the end (measure at the last  node or its connector.

I will assume you did not use HU to change the controller AFTER you shot the test movie.

(BTW it is recommended you NOT run strips while they are on the reels other than very briefly. The heat gets trapped


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Multimeter and ladder here I come, ugh! No changes were made to HW in the utility, I have one controller set to default 1 and they other is set to 11.

I only the the bench tested briefly to make sure all lights were functioning, yes, they do heat up quick on the reels.

Will try and get some testing done this weekend in between me having to work, I'll update, hopefully sooner than later. 


Thank you 

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BTW did you press the white self (pattern) test button on the controller?  That is a lot quicker than the ladder for a 1st test 😁

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