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Light-O-Rama Forums

Summer Sale 2024?

Eric walls

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Has anyone heard if there will be a summer sale? I remember in some years there was a significant sale (not as good as mad Grab but still good) sometime in July or August.

I see some coro and RGB items marked down right now but I wonder if there are plans for more discounts this summer. Anyone have any info or rumors?

Much easier to justify my spending to my wife when I tell her it's on sale!


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There likely will be one.  For those of us why are not LOR employees, we will find out when it is when it is announced.


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If you look through the "Important Announcements" at the top of the Forums you will see a trend that the Summer Sale is usually in August.


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That's kinda what I thought, but I didn't want to assume, because you know what happens when you assume.😀

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