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911 HELP!!!!!!!!


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I am baffled, I added a new board this year and it is connected to the old boards via a telephone cable.

If I am running through the sequence editor the song runs great. If I try and run a show then the third board will not fire any lights.

Any help would be great as I am freaking out.


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A couple thoughts (possible wrong on each):

Could your sequence editor be loading one sequence (for which you have the controller and channels defined, but when it's running it's pointing to a different sequence version (maybe in a different directory/folder)?

Did you check to see if the 3rd contoller is seen by the hardware utility?

I'm no expert by any means. I've run Animated Lighting equipment for the past few years, and this is my first year with LOR. Maybe other, more expert people can chime in on this one?

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Am I clear on this?

You are saying that if you run a sequence with the sequence editor that all three boards work and control the lights.


When you run the show, only 2 boards work?

Do you have solid lights in all the boxes?
Does the Hardware Utility find all 3 boxes?

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Hardware utility sees all three boxes.

the Show seems flakey. I have been farting around with it all night and sometimes it will fire the lights sometimes it wont. I am wondering

  • if mixing Cat 5 and phone cabel is bad or
  • maybe its a length issue with the phone cabel.
  • phone cord too close to a power line
  • something to do with a 1. to LOR 2 conversion
  • boards being at different firmwear levels

And yes the sequence editor works fine but not the show

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djewell wrote:

  • if mixing Cat 5 and phone cabel is bad or Not if done correctly
  • maybe its a length issue with the phone cabel.
  • phone cord too close to a power line could be best if you have to...to leave about 6 or more inches between and if have to cross do so at right angles
  • something to do with a 1. to LOR 2 conversion
  • boards being at different firmwear levels Should not be an issue

And yes the sequence editor works fine but not the show

Check your sequences to make sure that you have NO channels that are partially defined. If you have a channel that says lor controller but no unit or channel that can be a problem with playing in the show player.

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How about this one not sure if its the problem but I am changing my channel config. I have a channel that is defined twice once as an empty channel and once as the problem item. I also have channels LABELED the same dont think that would matter though oh hell I will change that too.

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When the new version of LOR was laid down it created a new directory structure. Not sure if it was the install that copied over the music and sequences. The old sequences still exist in the old structure on the hard drive. The show program points to the old sequences. All channels but one matched with the old configuration and it was moved to the new board. (the spiral tree that would not light).

A new 2008 show was created and now works flawlessly.


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