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Add singing face pixel prop to Vis file


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I am trying to figure out how to add a pixel type prop to my visualizer file.  Here is the situation.  I am running S4.  My visualizer file has 4 AC controllers - all running either incandescent or LED lights.  I have now created a singing face hanging light bulb that has 200 pixels.  It is run by a Pixie 16 controller.   I have a sequence, Elvis’ Blue Christmas, that was created using the Animator function.  Looks pretty darn good.

Now I want to add that controller and the prop to my Visualizer with the 4 AC controllers.  I am not sure how to go about doing this.

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I think I am on the right track but not sure.  I have imported a JPEG file of the wiring diagram for the hanging bulb into the Visualizer.  I am creating a Fixture for each different string of pixels on the bulb (Outline, Eyes open, Eyes closed, Top Lip, Bottom Lip, Mid Lip, Circle Mouth & Oval Mouth).  Then I will create a Prop out of all of the fixtures.  I will then Export the Prop with the appropriate file extension (.lee I believe).  Then Import that Prop back into my Master Viz file from last Christmas.

Not sure when/where I attach the pixel/ports to the fixtures however.  Still searching for that.

Am I on the right track?

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1 hour ago, Donl1150 said:

I think I am on the right track but not sure.  I have imported a JPEG file of the wiring diagram for the hanging bulb into the Visualizer.  I am creating a Fixture for each different string of pixels on the bulb (Outline, Eyes open, Eyes closed, Top Lip, Bottom Lip, Mid Lip, Circle Mouth & Oval Mouth).  Then I will create a Prop out of all of the fixtures.  I will then Export the Prop with the appropriate file extension (.lee I believe).  Then Import that Prop back into my Master Viz file from last Christmas.

Not sure when/where I attach the pixel/ports to the fixtures however.  Still searching for that.

Am I on the right track?

You have to add the ports, network assignment and unit IDs in the Vis when you create it.

You can run the wizard but manually

creating them for the face props is the best way.

You know you can use any pre made singing RGB prop in S4 as long as the max nodes is larger than your props.

I think i explained all of that to you when I helped you get them straight.



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JR.....When I am trying to build the hanging bulb in the Visualizer, do I use the "Draw String Lights" or "Draw Pixel Strings" when I create the circuits for each of the Fixtures that will make up the Prop?  It seems to me I would use the string light one since if I use the Pixel string one, that gets into the DMX Universe area when assigning channels to it.

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6 hours ago, Donl1150 said:

JR.....When I am trying to build the hanging bulb in the Visualizer, do I use the "Draw String Lights" or "Draw Pixel Strings" when I create the circuits for each of the Fixtures that will make up the Prop?  It seems to me I would use the string light one since if I use the Pixel string one, that gets into the DMX Universe area when assigning channels to it.

That depends on the actual lights.  If they are pixels, use pixel strings.  If they are traditional light strings, use String lights.  The visualizer wants to match reality.  With that said, note that there is almost zero requirement that a prop look like the actual prop, or that it be placed on the Visualizer in the "correct" location.  Sometimes it just works better to not have things in the correct location.  For example, below is my 2019 Preview (yes, this is a S5 Preview, but the concept is the same as a Visualization for this discussion).   Below that is my 2021 Preview.  Notice that in the 2019 version, everything is squared up.  The 2021 version is very close to accurate except the P5 and P10 matrix panels are not really in the trees.  However I expect to have some stuff in 2021 (not shown here) that will require that it be accurately positioned in the Preview.

As usual, if the screen captures don't embed (you're using Chrome), I included links to the images.






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Thanks Jim.  Logic finally kicked in for me and using "string pixel" icon makes sense when I have pixels in the Hanging Bulb prop !  So I did that.  I created a prop from a background image of the bulb.  I have 8 distinct fixtures making up the prop representing 8 face items (Outline, Eyes open, Eyes closed, Top Lip, Bottom Lip, Mid Lip, Circle Mouth & Oval Mouth).  So now I am at the point of trying to get the Visualizer to recognize the prop when I play a sequence.

I think that involves naming each of the 8 items properly and assigning the proper universe (network??) to them.  I am confused though, since when adding a new controller to the SE with the Config function, it only allows you to use Regular or Aux networks.  When building the prop and assigning a name, it uses Universe not Aux.   I may be all wet here and would appreciate some guidance.  Thx.

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22 minutes ago, Donl1150 said:

I think that involves naming each of the 8 items properly and assigning the proper universe (network??) to them.  I am confused though, since when adding a new controller to the SE with the Config function, it only allows you to use Regular or Aux networks.  When building the prop and assigning a name, it uses Universe not Aux.   I may be all wet here and would appreciate some guidance.

As I recall, there was something about naming them the same, but I never depended on that.  If the channel assignments match, you are golden.  Since you mention controller, can I assume that this will be controlled by a LOR controller - a Pixie I assume?  If something is asking about Universes, that is assuming DMX (or E1.31), such as if you were using a (for example) and SanDevice, Falcon, or Alphapix controller.  So, the question is, what will you be using to control these pixels?  Also note that as I recall in S4 Visualizer, there is a limitation if using LOR controllers of 50 pixels on a pixel string.  As I recall, that never got fixed in S4 - not an issue in S5 BTW.






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Yep I am using a Pixie 16 but when I was creating in the Viz, there was no other option when naming.   It was either normal or universe.....not aux.    

I am aware of some type of pixel limit in S4 but I want to learn how to use pixels in S4 before I convert to S5.  

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6 hours ago, Donl1150 said:

Yep I am using a Pixie 16 but when I was creating in the Viz, there was no other option when naming.   It was either normal or universe.....not aux.    

I am aware of some type of pixel limit in S4 but I want to learn how to use pixels in S4 before I convert to S5.  

You cannot use the Vis with that prop because it has more than 50 pixels in the outline.

DMX will not work with the pixie controllers.

I built your channel Config.

Your only option is the animation built in SE. Or switch to S5 where you would have to custom design the prop in the preview design.

I built the animation for you when I shared the Blue Christmas sequence with you. It included your entire channel Config.

It is not the best because it is square grids based on a round singing bulb but it will get the job done and will light up the prop in your show.

Note- the sequences I share are sequenced to my props. The only sections of that sequence that probably won’t work in your prop would be the eyes open and close.

All else works, you just need to adjust the eyes for your bulb.

If you cannot design a prop in the Vis due to pixel limitations you cannot learn that. There is no way around it.

Yhe animation is much better to sequence singing faces in S4 due to lag issues and the extra time it takes for the Vis to actually kick in and at times the Vis will have issues that will not allow it to work.

Hopefully this helps. With the bulbs though at face value there is no way to use the Vis.

You could use 9 ports and have ports 1&2 share the outline but then you are wasting a port just for the sake of using the Vis. That would also affect your channel Config.

* you could add a dummy DMX controller and use the draw DMX RGB bulbs for sequencing and then copy paste but that is an extra unneeded device.

I may have a video on how to draw DMX faces or props in Vis

Heres my video- don’t know what’s wrong with with the audio but you should still be able to use it



Edited by dibblejr
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On 4/20/2021 at 11:03 PM, dibblejr said:

You cannot use the Vis with that prop because it has more than 50 pixels in the outline.

DMX will not work with the pixie controllers.

I built your channel Config.

Your only option is the animation built in SE. Or switch to S5 where you would have to custom design the prop in the preview design.

I built the animation for you when I shared the Blue Christmas sequence with you. It included your entire channel Config.

It is not the best because it is square grids based on a round singing bulb but it will get the job done and will light up the prop in your show.

Note- the sequences I share are sequenced to my props. The only sections of that sequence that probably won’t work in your prop would be the eyes open and close.

All else works, you just need to adjust the eyes for your bulb.

If you cannot design a prop in the Vis due to pixel limitations you cannot learn that. There is no way around it.

Yhe animation is much better to sequence singing faces in S4 due to lag issues and the extra time it takes for the Vis to actually kick in and at times the Vis will have issues that will not allow it to work.

Hopefully this helps. With the bulbs though at face value there is no way to use the Vis.

You could use 9 ports and have ports 1&2 share the outline but then you are wasting a port just for the sake of using the Vis. That would also affect your channel Config.

* you could add a dummy DMX controller and use the draw DMX RGB bulbs for sequencing and then copy paste but that is an extra unneeded device.

I may have a video on how to draw DMX faces or props in Vis

Heres my video- don’t know what’s wrong with with the audio but you should still be able to use it



JR, Good video, thanks for sharing

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