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New Product Question


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Now I know this will probably open up a can of worms like no other, but I will put it out there.

At the TCL workshop there was a ton of new stuff introduced that seems pretty cool. LOR is never one to copy and that is something they should be proud of, but with the new Galaxia products that will be out and the new Firefly stuff from D-Light, I was wondering if LOR had any ideas on the drawing board for products like that? Something that allows complete control of individual LED's on a strand. Like I said, I have never known LOR to copy anything, but was just wondering if they had any ideas of something along those lines for the future?


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There was no talk about it at the workshop from LOR but a lot of big thinkers around a table with some ideas. Firefly is a GREAT product and for the price well worth it. I would like to see LOR support it with a color selector and hope it will continue to work after the protocol update this year.


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LOR did have new products there - but along the line of controllers. The "self contained" power strip could have a lot of applications. The water pump sounded cool as well. Look for these products soon (like in the next few-several weeks I think - but I don't speak for LOR so ignore me if I'm wrong :().

And let's not forget LOR S2 just came out "officially" not too long ago. Lots of improvements there...too many for me to grasp right now. :shock:


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Thanks guys...but I knew about those products all already.

I know Dan kind of wished he never mentioned S2 because of how much harping he got about it being complete. I guess I should really ask is if D-lights Firefly is going to be supported by S2, or if he plans on getting completely away from D-lights products.

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