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F.M. broacaster question


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My christmas program starts at 5pm and ends at 12am .I want a program that can start at 12:01 playing my mp3s and stop at exactly 5pm and 30 secounds. I dont want to have to guess time or wether or not its going to work.any suggestions ??????

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Dan Penn from pennlights.com created a light show primer that allows you to play music when your light show is not running.

You can read about it here:

You can download it from here:

The problem you may encounter is that Lightorama will finish a musical sequence if it is playing when the end time occurs. So if you have a sequence that is 4 minutes long and it starts at 11:59 it will not end until 12:03. Just something to take into account when scheduling music to play after your show ends.


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I have played with it but have not used it in a production. I broadcast a little to hot on a busy airway, so I limit broadcasts to show only.

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I have simply used the scheduled task in windows. It worked great! as mentioned before you have to anticipate the show in LOR ending.

Here is what I did (it is from memory so I may miss a step but you should get the idea)

go to windows media player and build a playlist of you mp3's. Save that playlist. Under control panel, performance and maintence create a scheduled task to play that playlist at the designated time.


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