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copying to a different channel count


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here's my problem. I have sequences that I worked on and like this year I would like to do arches with 50 pixels each. Last year sequences used simple 8-channel count on each arch. so my question is is there an easy way to copy and expand a channel account. I'm not worried about the different colors at this point that I can figure out

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If you right click on one of your channels (left column in SE), you can add "new devices" (LOR, DMX, etc controllers).  You  can also add additonial channels to an existing controller, both non and rgb channels.

Once you get a sequence updated with new devices/channels you can expor your channel/animation settings to a configuation file that can be use on all your other sequences.  This is done via "edit, expore/import configution.

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I know how to add channels and devices. I'm trying to copy & paste a sequence over from a smaller channel count to the new sequence with more channels

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Unless I'm also misunderstanding what you're wanting to do, you can simply copy and paste one or more channels from one sequence to the other. Using the paste by time option will eliminate any issues with timing grids that might not be the same.

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I'm reading his question different.  What I am reading is how to make an existing 8 channel count sequence into a 150 channel sequence.  If that's right, I don't know an an automatic way, but with only 8 channels here is a manual way that should work.


As I understand it, you want something similar to the following:

   Existing channel 1 to cover the first 7 pixels,

   Existing channel 2 to cover pixels 8 - 13,


   Existing channel 3 to cover pixels 14 - 19,

   Existing channel 4 to cover pixels 20 - 25,

   Existing channel 5 to cover pixels 26 - 31,

   Existing channel 6 to cover pixels 32 - 37,

   Existing channel 7 to cover pixels 38 - 43,

   Existing channel 8 to cover pixels 44 - 50.


You said you will add color later (and make use of the ability to higher resolution due to 50 pixels).


Here is the procedure:

Select and copy existing channel 1 for the entire sequence.

Select the first pixel at the very beginning of the sequence and past multiple with 21 times vertically (7 pixels x 3 channels).

Repeat for channel 2 to pixel 8 with paste multiple 18 times (6 pixels x 3 channels)

Continue for the rest of the original channels.


Does that do what you wanted?

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that's kind of what I was thinking would work but I lose resolution on the new arches. I was hoping that there was some sort of add on that you can do a stretch to fit vertically vs horizontally. So instead of stretch to fit on the timescale you stretch to fit through the channel count. what I need is to make an animation sequence with two tracks with a 6 to 1 ratio. I'm trying to convert 8 channels to 50 pixels. I was hoping that maybe somebody would point me towards some magic software that would cut my work down

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Just an Idea for chases that went end to end.......copy and paste the first and last channels.  Then use the chase tool to fill in the pixels in the new sequence - Does that make sense?  Drag the starting point down to the ending point in the pasted channel



Edited by steve synek
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I was thinking of doing something similar to that. Once I have everything converted with a 6 to 1 ratio I would have timing and the effects that I want. then it's just a matter of going in and modifying. but I was still hoping for something that was a little easier to do. I hope the people at Light O Rama will make something that works like stretch to fit through the channels. or a fill key that would work vertically as well as horizontally.there are plenty of tools that work horizontally through the grid not many that work vertically.

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thank you. I have been to your website and saw your tools but didn't see that in the description. but I do appreciate the work that you have done. in one of your videos you made a brief mention to multiplying channels but I didn't see a follow up explaining that.

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