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LOR / DMX Tracks Not Playing Nice

Paul Wood

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using lor 3.12 and I have been having problems with bad stuttering running 19 lor units and 10 DMX universes via unicast e 131. I can run the Lor tracks or DMX tracks and have absolutely no problems, but put them together and I get bad stuttering. I'm at a loss. Running windows 8.1 AMD A10 12GB RAM and 4GB patches on all exe files. not connected to any network, wifi off. Any suggestions? Thanks

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It's possible that there's just too much going on all at once for things to keep up.  Simplifying the effects at particularly bad parts of the sequence might help.


We've recently made a little tool to try to help out with situations like this.  It tries to automatically find short, rapid, consecutive effects, and "smooth" them out into fades up or down.  For example, if it finds five consecutive tenth-second effects at intensities 10%, 40%, 50%, 80%, and 90%, it will replace them with a single half-second fade up from 10% to 90%.  The result may not look exactly the same, but it may be close enough for human eyes, and it's definitely more efficient.


The tool is not ready to be released to the public - it's got a lot of rough edges and it's not very flexible - but if you would like, please send me (bob@lightorama.com) an email with the following information:


(1) This thread's URL, which is http://forums.lightorama.com/index.php?/topic/34331-lor-dmx-tracks-not-playing-nice/


(2) The output of the LOR Diagnostic tool


(3) The sequence or sequences you're seeing the issue on


... and I'll try the tool out on your sequences and send you back the results.

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thank you I will take advantage of that. I am just a little confused as to why the DMX played through lor works fine when it is its own separate track but stutters when married with the lor track and vice a versa

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