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X10 issues with LOR II 2.04


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kevin wrote:

I figured out how to get the X10s to work in the show. Somewhat anyway.... If I space them to turn on 1 second apart then it works fine...

Except you end up with a few sec being turned off every min.. LOL Not a fix

But I figured out the problem is sending all the X10 signals at the sime time across the wire.

I wondered about that.

I wish there was a way to just list the X-10 channels you wanted on in the background, instead of having the "sequence".

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I have been fooling around with the x10 issues again and have learned even more.

1) A weak or faulty GFCI anywhere on the Electrical Leg will cause enough line noise to interfere with X10s

2) Switching the X10 module address so they are not all in sequence or even the same house code helps out. I.e. set to A1, C3, A9, B6 as opposed to A1, A2, A3, A4.

3) Sometimes just swapping the X10 module with another one already in use works.

4) I don't know if this actually helps or not but I have also started to test the X10s at the CM11A outlet with the address i will be using prior to placing the module at its final destination.. Kinda like programming the code into the module by running it once before it is down electrical stream.

None of this is a science, nor is there a rhyme or reason why any of this works. But it appears my success rate with these few test have been more successful than my hours at the Roulette Tables.

..edit for spelling...

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I played with this for hours last night. I pared my background sequence down two 3 X-10 addresses. I ran it in the sequence editor and it worked flawlessly every time. I then set up a VERY basic show, with that as the background sequence, and an extremely simple animation (only one LOR channel on) as the main part of the show, to minimize any additional line noise. Consistently, only one of the 3 X10 channels would turn on.

I'm now back to suspecting something is up with LOR...


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