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Length of show question


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Hey all,


       My show time total is ~ 1:40:00 as I've been building sequences for the last several months (the joy, and limitations, of 16 channels). Would you recommend letting it run the whole show each and everynight, or split the show in half so there is some variation from night to night?

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I would split that into several shows. Some songs might want to be in every show version.

But this is just my opinion...

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I've got like 37 or 38 songs this year. After the first night, I turned on "randomnize" function which essentially assures anyone driving by they'll never hear the same song twice. Being this will be my 3rd year, I don't know how much traffic to expect as "word" as gotten around. The one other person in this town has this huge home and has been doing it for many years, he's got traffic issues and so on. If I ever have those issues, then I'll find a way to deal with it. Having a pause between shows might be a good idea or it might make the traffic worse as people pile up, waiting for the next song.

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I do 3-4 songs and cycle them thru every night.  Any longer and the traffic build up is ridiculous.

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