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power question


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I just caculated the total amp draw for one of my controlers. I have a 16D set up for 20 amps. The total draw for the control is 22 amps (this would be with everything on) I have not tested it. Nothing is running static but there is the possibility all lights may be on at some point during the musical sequence. Is it possible to squeek2 more amps out of the board if only on for less than a second?

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Set up for 20 amps on each side? 22 amps for total board?

On momentary instances you can go a bit more. Some on here will tell you not to exceed 75% of the line current. Dan has stated that LOR has taken into account that factor in the design.


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thanks for the quick reply... I read your post and realize my caculations were for the entire board (22 amps) I have it set up for 20 amps each side. (I forgot that) so when I did the calculations and 22 popped up i got a little nervouse. But since each side can handle 20 amps that make the total for the board at 40amps. (I should be ok) thanks for questioning me made me realize I was only accounting for one side.


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