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General observation

William Ahern

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Ok, This will be my first year with an LOR display, and I'm starting small with 16 channels. I started with the demo software. I ordered my Box and eagerly awaited it's delivery. In the meantime I went to the support site to read up on everything I could. I have to admit as I looked over all the signatures "LOR user with 32 channels" ... "LOR user with 256 channels" I couldn't help think to myself "How do they do this" followed very shortly by "Why do they do this".

Now I know the answer. This is just so damn much fun. Talk about addictive. I've found myself sitting in front of my TV with my laptop in my lap and two hours have gone by and I've sequenced 30 seconds. And this is just 16 channels. And then, even though I'm exhausted (and fairly confident that I'll take a hostage if I have to listen to THAT five seconds of "Wizard in Winter" again) I can't wait until tommorrow so I can do it again.

And just like any good LOR user I'm already wishing I had more channels, as well as planning next year's show, and considering how I'm going to afford another LOR box (or five).

Just my two bits. This is just so much fun!

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With the exception of the laptop, that was my feelings exactly last year (both about having 16 channels, and the WoW music!)

Have fun this year, get a feel for it, and throughout next year you will have plenty of time to prepare!

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Jeff Millard wrote:

I'm just really happy that your getting WIW out of the way first...;)

This is also my first year. I'm going to do WIW last, because I will have enough practice to do a better job.

By the way, just FYI, here's my current play list:
"Joy to the World" by Bob Rivers (with lots of drums and electric guitars, kind of sounds more like Queen);
"Christmas at Ground Zero" by Weird Al Yankovic (special request by my wife);
"Russian Dance" from "The Nutcracker" (just because it looked good on the tutorial);
"O Little Town of Bethlehem" by Bob Rivers (to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun");
"For Unto Us a Child is Born" (because the vocals will animate well).

My neighbor is doing "Ding Dong Merrily on High", "The Christmas Song", and a few others. He's not as fast as I, but he's also not working!
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Well, truth be told, WIW was not my first attempt.

The theme to mortal kombat was my first, then Du Hast (Ramstein), then I got serious: Christmas Eve Sarajevo (TSO) , Toccatta & Fugue (Bach), Requeim (TSO) Carol of the Bells (Leonard Berstein), Deck the Halls (Bing Crosby), Also sprach Zarathustra, Wish Liszt, and finally Wizard In Winter.

Now I'm thankful I only have 16 channels... I can bang out a sequence in a couple of days. (I started sequencing in the middle of September).


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William Ahern wrote:

Well, truth be told, WIW was not my first attempt.

The theme to mortal kombat was my first, then Du Hast (Ramstein), then I got serious: Christmas Eve Sarajevo (TSO) , Toccatta & Fugue (Bach), Requeim (TSO) Carol of the Bells (Leonard Berstein), Deck the Halls (Bing Crosby), Also sprach Zarathustra, Wish Liszt, and finally Wizard In Winter.

Now I'm thankful I only have 16 channels... I can bang out a sequence in a couple of days. (I started sequencing in the middle of September).


I will admit, I did WiW for my parade float last year.
I did it for 2 reasons.
1: it IS a cool song, and has instant recognition.
2: it is quite possibly the easiest and most exciting song I have ever done.

put a .101 grid Flash the high parts, chase the fast parts. You can't mess up! anything looks good!
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Interesting enough - WIW will accentuate the new addition to our display this year in an interesting way. I can't wait to see it in action. The Son-In-Law (Son) very much dislikes the song - it's done way to much of the time. Oh well - when i find a better song to show off the new piece I will use it. Will post video on PC as soon as I get it shot.

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Wizards is on my play list because I love the song and since I will be the only one in my area doing animation, it will be (hopefully) something new that no one has seen in person (myself included), although they might reconize the song.

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WiW got a bad name, mainly among people who had been animating before the Carson video came out, because all the new folks that that video attracted felt it wasthe ONLY song that could ever be animated (or at least it seemed that way at the time).

I certainly don't have a problem with people using it. I personally don't like the song that much, though. It just doesn't seem "Christmassy" to me. I've seen people use it in Halloween displays and frankly I think it's a much better Halloween song (almost seems scary, with the frantinc pace and minor key).

Just my opinion though... no need to justify why you like/use it if that's the case...

I do think the vast majority of the general public will have no recollection/association of that song with the Carson video, though. It's been two years now...


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Tim Fischer wrote:

WiW got a bad name, mainly among people who had been animating before the Carson video came out, because all the new folks that that video attracted felt it wasthe ONLY song that could ever be animated (or at least it seemed that way at the time).

I certainly don't have a problem with people using it. I personally don't like the song that much, though. It just doesn't seem "Christmassy" to me. I've seen people use it in Halloween displays and frankly I think it's a much better Halloween song (almost seems scary, with the frantinc pace and minor key).

Just my opinion though... no need to justify why you like/use it if that's the case...

I do think the vast majority of the general public will have no recollection/association of that song with the Carson video, though. It's been two years now...


Hmm...I have never thought about WiW for a Halloween song. As for associating WiW with Carson's video, as you said Tim, I don't think anyone in my area will make the connection. While the song has been heavily used over the years, it's still something new in my town, at least for animated lights and my display.
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