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Sequence to start a static display before main show starts

Doug Farish

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Frogive me, I know this has been asked before and I have found some great answers but still unsure on what to do. I am in no hurry for a reply as I will be startng my brand new show tonight. Many thanks for to those that did the sequences that I have used and modified for my show. It has really given me the time to do my own sequences.


Still a newbie

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Sorry I thought I had asked the question. My question is how do I write a sequence to make the lights come on and stay on untill the main show starts?

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I'm assuming what you want to do is something like this. Turn on some portion of the lights at let's say 4:30 and have stay on until you start your show at 5:00. Assuming this is correct, there are several ways to do this. In this case you want 30 minutes of static lights before your show starts. Create a 30 minute animation sequence with whatever lights you want turned on - or better, a 1 minute sequence that loops 30 times. Then either create a separate show that just has that sequence and schedule it at 4:30 to 5:00, or just put that static sequence at the beginning of the startup tab in the show builder.

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Thanks Jim, that is what i want to the point. I would like my lights to come on at 5:00pm and stay on untill 7:00pm thur the week and 5:00pm to 6:00pm on weekends. So what you are saying is that I need to do an animation sequence for one minute and loop it a 120 times and then for 60 times to make what i want? So two different shows along with my main show right?

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When you make your one minute show, put it in the background tab in the show editor and schedule it from five to seven.  In the background tab, you shouldn't get that little flicker each time the sequence loops to the beginning.

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Doesn't have to be in the background, just don't check the "all lights off at end of sequence", this way when that one minute sequence loops back to the beginning, the lights won't even waver, they'll just stay on until show time.   The only way they'd go off is if you don't fill in ALL the cells ALL they way to the VERY END of the one minute sequence, or you use a FADE UP/DOWN.   Other than that, if the cells are all on 100%, they will stay on and not turn off, UNLESS you have that "turn all unused lights off at end of sequence", then the lights WILL shut off and come back one with a quick flash/blackout.


I do this with my overnight lights, although some fade up and down {intentional}, but the others that are steady on, stay on, unless I check that "turn unused lights off at end of sequence", then those lights will turn off and then come back on.  Just make sure that box is UNCHECKED for your static light show, but do have it checked when running your regular show, otherwise you may have some lights on steady you don't want on when specific sequences are playing!

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Awsome. Got the show up and running last night and everything went off with out a hitch. going to try and get some video to post tonight.


Thanks again for all the great help and understanding.

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