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Tips from the experts?


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As I prepare for my first year with LOR, I find myself struggling in the sequencing area.  I plan on using 2 controllers - 32 channels.  I have the basics of Visualizer figured out and laid out my stuff as it will be, both on the house and props in the yard.  For convenience sake - and to help my learning process - I purchased a customizable 32 channel sequence from LOR. 


When I open it up and run it with Visualizer, although the timing of things is perfect, it just doesn't look good with my layout.  Any suggestions 1) on the easiest way to make it better 'fit' my layout and 2) in general, on sequencing for any layout to make things look good.  I have read a lot, watched the videos, understand the groups of 4 theory, etc.


Maybe this is just something that comes with experience but I was hoping to learn some potential shortcuts from those who have been there before me.  Thanks



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When working on a section of song,  Click and drag in the timeline at the top, it will highlight that section of grid.  When you hit the spacerbar, it will only play that section of song.  You can make your edits and not disturb the highlighted area.  Click in timeline again to cancel or redrag another area to work on.


Having a dual screen computer is very helpful too.  Visualizer on one and sequencer on the other.

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X=unknown quantity 

Spurt=drip under pressure


Expert = unknown drip under pressure :P


Is that what you are looking for?  :D

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short cuts? You mean something that will save you some time?

Plan well!

Something I am still trying to master.

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seriously, the stretch to fit is great, when you have a great feature you program just perfect, you can make that happen in longer or shorter bursts based on the timing of the song using that feature, without redoing your handywork.  i.e. chasing sequence or wave from one side of your yard to the other...

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Customize the sequences to fit your layout. I.E. change the channel assignment of the song to fit your layout. For example, if I want to do anything with icicle lights, I have 5 channels. Left and right along the roof then a left, center and right below that. Group of 4? I imagine I could technically do that but I prefer the 5 channels as I use them in different ways. I also run 9 mini-trees in my setup and have two channels used for other things. I simply customize a sequence to what I have, especially if the timing is there. Starting from scatch can be a royal PITA (The Season's Upon Us by Dropkick Murphy, for example - only halfway done now) but the beauty is you designed it for your setup. The great part is you can share it with others once done.

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I'm on my 3rd year and I just noticed the chase "H" key. Highlight an area, and it will create a chase, starting with the channel with the first pattern, and onto the last channel.


Also started using the "Tapper Wizard", for more than just the primary beat. Instead of trying to manually turn lights on and off to sync with some audio effect, then hit play, then adjusting until they're in sync...If you know the song well, you can just use the tapper wizard to turn a channel on and off every time you hit the button. For instance, if you're programming voices, you can tap to each syllable. If you know the timing of the guitar riffs, you can hit the button for each strum, and then just copy paste them into different channels.

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