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my first sequence... opinions?


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Heres my first sequence ever... iv had the program for about 4 days and my controller should be in any day now and i have over 11hrs in this small 16ch sequence (lots of extra time spwnt trying to remember shortcuts etc. Just getting familiar with the software in general. but anyways I just wanted everyones opinions as im just starting I hope it all transfers to the house and real lighting well

I also have a little more info on my post in the newb section

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Nice job! Now that you have obviously been bitten by the "bug" be prepared to spend WAY too much time and money on this great hobby!

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Nice job! Now that you have obviously been bitten by the "bug" be prepared to spend WAY too much time and money on this great hobby!

Thank you!

And yes I figured that out fairly quick, im already planning for atleast 48 channel's next year with some arches amd possibly a mega tree and also more colors

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Nice job, like that hard rock Christmas song....ditto on the many hours to come sequencing, but what fun you will have. Have a great holiday.

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Thanks everyone im excited to get started on my next one I used audacity and made a silent track to end the shkw each night

And I also made a short diddy of 3 songs for my 4yr old son gangnam style, party anthem, and what did the fox say should be a fun little song for the kids

Im currently trying to decide my next few choices of songs a few more calmed down or traditional styles...

Thanks agn guys

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That is a great job.  I try to program my sequences like a term paper (intro, body, conclusion).  By far I am not the best sequencer on here.  At around :23 you are giving you audience all your trick, save that to the finally of the song.   What I would do is at :23 keep your fast moving trees and then slow down the house with the base line.  What this will do is direct your audiences attention to the mini trees.  


If you're looking for traditional songs.  An easy song to program is Christmas Cannon TSO.

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