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Sequencing... Arches


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Ok, FB was a flop for answers...

All my sequences have some pretty elaborate sequencing for my four, seven channel arches. I am going to convert the arches over to pixel arches with 40 pixels per arch.

Is there an easy way to copy my seven channel arches over to the fourty pixel arches? I've tried Bob's program but it didn't really do that.

I'm really hoping someone has done this already cause I don't want to have to resequence these arches.

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If you're trying to convert a 7 channel sequence to a 40 channel sequence, it will not be a 1:1 mapping, it will be a 7:40 mapping and might not be as clean as you want it to be.


If you're wanting to change your 40 channel device to a 7 channel device, you can do that by creating a separate Track and use Groups to collect them into groups of 5-6 channels each. It's still gonna look like a 7 channel sequence tho.


There's also

effect options in the sequencer so you can use all 40 channels.
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In actuality, you'r trying to convert 7 channels to 120 channels. Don't know of a way to do that except for a bunch of copy/paste. I know that's not the answer you're looking for. Sorry about that. Maybe someone has found a way.

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If its not to late, make the arches 42 pixels. It would be easy to convert your arches at that point.

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If its not to late, make the arches 42 pixels. It would be easy to convert your arches at that point.

I'm thinking about the same scenario. Can you be more specific?

Thanks in advance

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I haven't physically made the arches yet so I can adjust the pixel count. But why 42? just wondering...

You would have thought that someone (smarter than me) would have figured out a way to do what I'm needing... bummer!

I've always prided myself as having the most kick butt arch sequencing in town, NOW I'M PAYING THE PRICE! Resequencing is going to be a chore!

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Ok, here is what i would do if i wanted to keep the sequencing from my existing 7 channel arch sequences.


Create 4 42 pixel archs in main track. If you do this with vegomatic it will save quite a bit of time because it can add in the broke out rgb track for you.


Create a new track with your 4 42 pixel arches in them.


Degroup them if they are grouped.


Degroup all the rgb channels.


Move all of arch 1 red together.


So now you have 42 red channels for arch 1 red all in a row.


Now move channel 8 below channel 1, move 15 below channel 8, move 22 below 15, move 29 below 22, move 36 below 22

next move 9 below 2, 16 below 9, 23 below 16, 30 below 23 and 37 below 30


Hopefully you see the pattern.


Do this for all 4 arch and all 3 colors


When you are done you can paste your 7 channel sequences 6 times into this new track and they will look just like they do now.


You can paste into 1 color or 2 colors or all 3 colors to make white.


Hopefully this make sense, this is what i did , went from 8 channel arches to 32 pixel arches, i paste 4 times.


If you need an example let me know.

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I'm going to have to print that out and play with it.

If you don't mind. Send me a sample to look over. RidgecrestChristmas (at) outlook (dot) com

Edited by crackchecker
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Good grief Doug. You've got twice the channels I have. Wish I had a bigger yard. Cant wait to see what you've come up with this year

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Wish I had a smaller yard Ron, I might have bit off more than I can chew. The next few months will tell, lots of stuff to put together.

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