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Memory leak issues and crashes

Gary Levelius

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This is what I sent on the trouble ticket:

When the night starts out there is about 40k memory allotted to LORMonitor. Every song that plays and starts that number goes up. By about 8:30pm, my show starts at 6pm, LORMonitor memory is at roughly 1.4 gig memory. At this time a bunch of errors happen in the status window and the show stops running. Disable shows, enable shows and LORMonitor is at 40k memory again and the show starts back up. This has happened the last 3 nights pretty consistently. I am running version 3.9 on the software.

Here is the answer:

The monitor does cache the sequence for reuse to cutback on load times so every time a sequence is used for the first time memory will increase but it should only increase once per use of a particular sequence.

We are adding some additional safe guards to make sure that sequence caching does not run amuck and we have found some issues...


Light O Rama, Inc.

This answer makes sense to me, I had over 80 sequences so it had to load all 80 into memory. Since I had almost 5000 channels that a lot to hold in memory. It sounds that is why this problem was so sporadic, if you didn't have a lot of sequences or your sequences were not very large, the problem would have never showed up.

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