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After degrouping the CCB

Denise Brunner

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Is there an easy way to degroup an entire CCB string and group all the reds together, then all the greens and then all the blues ????

I have been able to degroup one channel at a time and start to more all the reds together, but there has to be an easier way ?

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What are you trying to accomplish Denise? Do you need them together for a conversion?

On my download page take a look at the RGB converter and video.

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Wouldn't it be easier to use the hardware utility to reset the device from rgb to rrr, ggg, bbb?

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Thanks guys for offering to help. Just got two new strings of CCB. Looking to replace all my mega strands on my roof line this year. I have added the CCB in the sequence editor. "Add new device > choose CCB > ok" the two ccb show up. How do I group all the reds together of the CCB to do a chase, a fade or even an all on??? If I degroup is the only way to move all the reds together one by one??? and then the greens and then the blues??? This RGB stuff is new. I have the SuperStar software, but its kind of restrictive and can only be used with audio files, I also do some video.

Thanks in advance for the help


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Denise, I do this same thing. Unfortunately the only way I know is one by one. I have over 1,500 pixels. Its a lot of work but well worth it to me. Maybe someone will write a utility to do it sometime soon.

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I am guessing since no one else has replied, that there is no easier way !!!! I wish I knew more about the source code, because it would not be hard to write new code.

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I have also taken the time to create same color tracks..........but why not use the RGB color tools for something as simple as all on or chase? Or usinging the fill tool between two chases for solid color on.


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