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New Sequencing Machine


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My previous desk at work had 4x 19 inch LCD monitors. I miss those. Too bad I couldn't take a set home with me.

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My previous desk at work had 4x 19 inch LCD monitors. I miss those. Too bad I couldn't take a set home with me.

hmm, wonder if the make a monitor stand for four 25inch monitors?

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Yes they do make a stand for 4 monitors, a co-worker of mine at work has one on his desk (only he has 5 monitors hooked up to it instead of 4). Do a Google Search and you might be able to find something on Amazon or eBay.

As for me, my sequencing machine is my laptop and that little tiny screen. Since I'll be upgrading my show computer to something more powerful, I'll end up getting a second monitor for that so that I can sequence on one screen and use the visualizer on the other.

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not the cheapest by far, but you can tell this company spends some time and money on engineering... and like most things, you get what you pay for.

check out these guys. http://www.ergotron.com/MultiMonitorMounts/tabid/159/language/en-US/Default.aspx you know at some point, we will all just be better off with 40" HDTV/Monitors mounted to our back wall, using graphic cards that support resolutions that are INSANE!

good luck, and happy new year.

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Yes they do make a stand for 4 monitors, a co-worker of mine at work has one on his desk (only he has 5 monitors hooked up to it instead of 4). Do a Google Search and you might be able to find something on Amazon or eBay.

As for me, my sequencing machine is my laptop and that little tiny screen. Since I'll be upgrading my show computer to something more powerful, I'll end up getting a second monitor for that so that I can sequence on one screen and use the visualizer on the other.

My vision is such that if I didn't have large monitors I would still be busy sequence my 2010 show! lol

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Of course, you know I spent way to much time on a sequence when I can recognize it from a picture of a 10 second section of it. Whats up with the visualizer file though? Thats not the one I sent you? If that is your house in the visualizer then I need to send you all my sequences because my layout will be completely changing this year due to buying a new house.

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Of course, you know I spent way to much time on a sequence when I can recognize it from a picture of a 10 second section of it. Whats up with the visualizer file though? Thats not the one I sent you? If that is your house in the visualizer then I need to send you all my sequences because my layout will be completely changing this year due to buying a new house.

It is the animation window, I was playing the sequence when the picture was taken. Still a little green on visualizer.

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Yes they do make a stand for 4 monitors, a co-worker of mine at work has one on his desk (only he has 5 monitors hooked up to it instead of 4). Do a Google Search and you might be able to find something on Amazon or eBay.

As for me, my sequencing machine is my laptop and that little tiny screen. Since I'll be upgrading my show computer to something more powerful, I'll end up getting a second monitor for that so that I can sequence on one screen and use the visualizer on the other.

if you have dual monitor capability, which most laptops do, get the second screen now. I have a 20 inch hooked to my laptop, and it helps tremendously
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Gentlemen if you are looking for a quad Monitor mount go to Monoprice.com I use them all the time for cables. You can not beat there prices. They have fast delivery. Excuse the mess I work from home. I have 4 22 inch monitors two for work laptop and two on my home computer (I use for sequencing watching the news and general surfing)


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Gentlemen if you are looking for a quad Monitor mount go to Monoprice.com I use them all the time for cables. You can not beat there prices. They have fast delivery. Excuse the mess I work from home. I have 4 22 inch monitors two for work laptop and two on my home computer (I use for sequencing watching the news and general surfing)


my issues is wanting to use 2-3 25" monitors.

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Yes, I did this last year with twin 19 inches and used a program called flip it. Could program several boxes and never leave one screen. I got everything so messed up I hired out the sequencing.. LOL

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Love the setup! I use 4 monitors (22") and found my monitor stand on Craigs List for $50. Don't know the brand but they havent fallen off the desk yet. It's amazing how when I go into class or working on the school computers that I only have one monitor. I'm very spoiled. I watch my NetFlix in one monitor while completing assignments, have email open, and keep my web brouser open so I can do an instant google search. Don't think I could go back to 1 monitor after this :) Oh, did I mention the reason I switched? Because I wanted 2 monitor so I could sequence in LOR without having to minimize the visualizer lol. Too funny what this hobby did to me.

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