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Tricks or secrets to hiding channel rows?


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Any chance of hiding or moving channel rows during the SE process?

Seems my monitor only displays to the 3rd contoller channel 9 during the sequence process before I need to scroll down. Scrolling down to multiple controllers cells can get you lost in the scroll!

I was hopeful there may be a way to temporarily hide or move the channel rows higher on the screen to avoid scrolling down during sequencing. Most of my sequences are focused on the first 5 channels of unit 1 of a fixed grid sequence which are five large falling snowflakes. Seems I tend to build my sequences based on these snow flakes of unit 1.

Logically it seems the software should allow for hiding or moving channel rows to aide in the sequencing process. I could be missing a feature here being fairly new to the process.

Thanks so much for any input on this subject


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You can use groups. kind of like a folder structure in Windows.

Or with Advanced Lic you can do Tracks with only the Channels you want together.

Edited by dknahoolewa
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You can adjust the size of each row as well both vertically and horizontally. This will help either see more on the screen or less. As well You can make them into groups, this allows you to close everything but the element you are working on.

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WOW Thanks so much. I have been sequencing for over a year now and never used the track or group option. Sure glad I asked as this will save some scrolling time. I had to do a little reading in the software help section..... Wish there would be a video turtorial on this subject.

One other question before I venture into this new journey? Advantages or Disadvantages to tracks or group creation. I am sure many have found one to be a more superior tool than the other and would prefer to go in that direction. I have the standard license so it looks like four tracks are the maximum number supported and assume grouping may be endless.

You have been quite helpful at this point and appreciate all the help you have provided!


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I use both. Just depends on the size of your display.

Example Tracks:

T1 - leave alone...add all new channels to the bottom.

T2 - Beat and vocal Marks

T3 - Singing faces

T4 - Channels grouped by Prop

T5 - Channels grouped by color

Example Channels:

Mega Tree

-Mega Tree White

--White 01

--White 02


-Mega Tree Red

--Red 01


Groups keep channels together inside Tracks.

Edited by dknahoolewa
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I use tracks and groups as well. Tracks for different timings some are down to .01 seconds, most are at .05 just so I have a rough draft the move to the fine tuning track for final details. Each track houses most channels. Some tracks do not have all channels, My arches are in thier own track, but they are also in the other tracks for fades and side to side motions to flow with the house.

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