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Relative Media Paths


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This may be in the wrong forum but I will give this a shot.

I have a few sequences that I run with music. It seems that I am constantly updating my computer or re installing the OS. So my question is, is it possible to have the media file pointed to a relative folder on my drive? Such as instead of the media file pointing to "c:\users\user\documents\light-o-rama\xxxx.mp3" I can put the sequence in a folder called "Sequence XXXXX" and then put XXXXX.MP3 in the same folder. Then when the sequence goes to look for the music it would just look for "XXXX.MP3" instead of the whole file path.

I have tried Dropbox but unless you have your user accounts named exactly the same it doesn't find the media file. I could point Dropbox to a folder in my Root of C:\ but this doesn't work well for other things I use Dropbox for. Any suggestions or ideas?

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If you put it in the Audio folder within the default Light-O-Rama file path it should work even if the path changes from PC to PC. I just create the same file structure on every PC and there’s no trouble finding the files.

Create your own folder on the C: drive (e.g. C:\LOR).

When LOR installs tell it to use C:\LOR for your files.

Place the music for your sequences in C:\LOR\Audio

Save the main copy of your sequences in C:\LOR\Sequences

Make regular backup copies of C:\LOR

If you save all your files in the same directory on every computer, you should be able to copy sequences, shows, and schedules between PCs with no trouble.

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^^^ This.

If you put stuff in 'special' places (outside the default), you'll be re-assigning all the time. If you take the defaults, and use the folders provided, all you have to do is move the entire Light-O-Rama directory to the new machine and everything works.

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I do pretty much the same as above, the only exception is I catalog my music by Holiday, so in my C;\LOR\Audio directory I have Subfolders named Christmas, Halloween, Patriotic, Other, etc. This way I know where my Holiday themed songs are at all times.

The only thing I add is in the Sequences folder I also use subfolders as in my comment above, but put the year in front them, so now since I did my first show in 2010, I have subfolders labeled 2010 Halloween, 2010 Christmas, 2011 Halloween, 2011 Christmas, 2012 Halloween and 2012 Christmas. In the current years working folder {2012} in this case my sequences are saved in 3 subfolders under those, Completed, Incomplete, and Overnight. I start and keep all my sequences in the Incomplete, then save them to the Completed folder when I feel they are display/show ready, then delete it from the Incompleted, this way I know what I have to work on and Complete.

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